"The Pentangled Crown"
our "Quarterly
By : Deborah Susan Jones : Editor
Chiaroscuro is an Italian artistic term used
to describe the dramatic effect of contrasting areas of
light and dark in an artwork, particularly paintings.
It comes from the
combination of the Italian words for "light" and "dark."
This particular
drawing explores the idea of confining the effect of
"light and dark" to a specific area in a work, in this
case, focusing on the eyes of the face.
A pentagram, or
pentacle, a symbol that usually looks like a star in a
circle, but in this case, in a square frame.
A five-pointed
star, a 'pentangle', 'star pentagon', or 'pentalpha' all
mean the same thing and originally meant 'any symbol
that protects against evil spirits' and its origins and
earliest earliest known depictions originate from the
Near East and Egypt. In Egyptian hieroglyphics the
pentagram enclosed in a circle meant the netherworld –
the underworld where the dead roamed.
In ancient
Mesopotamia pentagrams originate from a similar period,
3200BC, and have been found on a tablet and pottery and
later depictions in Sumerian and Akkadian cuneiform
texts refer to the five-pointed star as showing the
regions of the inhabited world. They may also have
represented planetary alignments, with Ishtar ‘Goddess
of the Heavens’ at the top.
Thus; over time
the pentagram has appeared in a huge range of cultures
and belief-systems, and meanings have varied in each
You can "make
of it what you will".
In this
drawing, the frowning, almost angry character, is
irritated by, perhaps, trying to understand exactly what
the meaning of his being enwrapped, crowned, by the
pentacle, entangled in it, thus, he has been
Susan Jones,