"Godda Disguised"
our "Quarerly
By : Deborah Susan Jones : Editor
An ancient Myth &
Legend . . . . . .
glorious, ageless, timeless, no words could describe
this Leonardo da Vinci styled ghost-woman.
She was apparelled
in rich brocade and mulberry silk her thick, red gold
hair combed back into an intricate chignon.
She’d materialised
out of thin air not on foot through garden gate and
her progress was leisurely, très élegant.
The night creatures
were abroad upon this warm summer night and the
Unicorn had touched down briefly to rest and
She trod light
footedly across the dewy grass, her thin soled
slippers offering no protection ‘gainst the chilly
moist damp.
Far away one could
hear the crash of horse’s hooves on stone as the noble
Lord Edric and his aristocratic friends leapt from the
Earth’s surface to the low heavens.
Susan Jones
