By :
Deborah Susan Jones :
"Dare you enter The Magick Garden?
Where all your worries & nightmares
may become wonderful dreams?"
second in a series of illustrated books chronicling the
strange and
magic creatures that frequent the garden outside
and beyond the Artist's & Writer's studio.
Unicorns stamp their hooves and traverse the air,
Goblins and Elves vie
for supremacy, Witches, Faeries, Ogres, and more,
inter-relate and,
well, the outcome is generally a battle for supremacy
and a longing for
harmony, at least as far as the the occupants of the
studio are
treachery, chaos, peace, light, dark, upheaval and
harmony, the daily
events in the garden are not to be taken as mere fantasy
imagination, for here, surrounding the Artist's and
Writer's studio,
where they do their very best each day to record the
events they are
witness to, is where the truth of our reality abides,
where the hidden
structure of the cosmos, of existence, and soon you will
realise, as
you peruse the pages of this carefully chronicled record
of it all,
that it is you that live in a world of fantasy, that
your daily
surroundings are a facade, and that, peeled away, and
explored in
depth, it is the world of The Garden that is reality,
long-time hidden
from human understanding, and now, divulged, for all to
see, or at
least, for those who care to look . . . . . . .
From the book "The Untangled Wood".
Susan Jones
