By : Deborah Susan Jones : Editor
“The hour of his doom is rung . . . .
They will be our
affliction, sore and long.
Until the wild boar
bears the crown of Cornwall . . . .
Better meat to those
who will recite his praise.”
Long, long ago, before the reign of Arthur,
Myrddin, offspring of Incubus and Nun, counterbalance of
evil and good, prophesised the downfall of British King
Vortigern who had hired Saxon mercenaries to keep the
Picts at bay. Betraying the Britons by giving land to
the Saxons in return for one night with Rowena, daughter
of Saxon King Hengist, the land given was possibly on
the River Temys. The Saxons in their turn betrayed
Vortigern, and turned on him.
Vortigern fled, built a fort which
continually collapsed and young Merlin was taken as
sacrifice, an offering to sound the stonemasons work.
But Merlin explained the disappearance of the stones was
caused by an underground lake which, when excavated,
uncovered two huge stones housing two dragons, which
escaped, one the red dragon of The Britons and the other
the White Dragon of the Saxons.
Merlin predicted Vortigern would die by fire,
as the ancient texts state was the case, possibly from
the heavens, when defeated by Ambrosius Aurelius,
rightful heir, assisted by Uthyr Pendragon, father to
“The Once and Future King” through skulduggery with
Merlin at Ludlow Castle . . . . . . .
From the book "Paintings of Ludlow".
Susan Jones
