Grey Master (Alien)
(From the book "Solar Wind Volume 3")
Originally created for the groundbreaking
"TALES OF SHATTERED EARTH" Internet e-commerce project
with Barclays Bank which in the early 90's test-ran very
early trials of how to conduct online payments for
downloadable intellectual properties, such as books and
"GREY MASTER" illustrated the story titled
"Transgenic Initiation" where what seems on one level to
be an alien abduction is a cloak for a far deeper,
soul-troubling experience. At the time of writing the
Artist was suffering from a very short-lived but
excruciatingly painful health problem which coincided
coincidentally with research into various experiences
suffered by UFO abductees, especially those who had been
subjected to painful experiments.
"On the edge of extreme pain the mind can
penetrate areas of thinking, consciousness, that it does
not enter normally. There are "other zones of
experience", living even, beyond what we do from day to
day. It is pretty scary on the edge of oblivion. Pain,
to the point where one cannot function, can take you to
"other places" and it got me to pondering how much of
the abductees recollections are to do with actual
physical transportation or in fact tranportation on a
mental plane? I found, even with my vivid imagination,
that the "edge of extreme pain" was like taking a
transcendental trip, a tantric realisation of all that
is, and, enlightening though it was, I'd very much
prefer not to go there again.
"In the story, I expressed it as a
young child having its doll taken away, by, who knows,
an adult maybe, or another child, or even it may have
been broken by the child itself. In any event, a schism
induced by sudden shock, a "pain", causes a trauma that
causes a de-bonding with the world, because the child
realises, at too early an age, that a doll is just a
doll, whereas feelings, emotions, are for life, or,
depending on your belief structure, forever . . . . .
"The experience, and the writings, changed my
approach to art because I realised "a picture is
just a picture" in terms of the paint used, a
technical expertise, and without the soul, the
lifeforce, the personality, the picture would be blank
of meaning and power even if it had paint all over the
"Up until this experience, I have to say, I'd
never really thought about, let alone understood, my own
creativity at any time, it was something that "I'd
always done" without question, and later in life,
success as an illustrator meant I was always very, very
busy, so I never had time to stop and consider the
issue. One can be successful on one level yet completely
unaware on another, it seems . . . . .
"These days, since then, I always
ponder exactly why I am painting any particular picture,
even though paradoxically I also prefer not to delve too
deeply into it, afraid, perhaps, of the answer . . . . ?
"I often wonder if those who have had
near-death experiences visited the same places I did, or
similar nearby zones, or had completely different
"The experience left me with the view that
"most things are not important and some things are not
important at all" though this is not a negative
expression, more a Tantric view, sort of, kind of,
maybe, perhaps, if you see what I mean?"
One of 12 short Dark Science Fiction stories
that revolve around themes of urban life "from a time
not so far away" alienation, and psychological
displacement are central themes, where the local
shopping mall and a pram-pushing young mom are as
dangerous as alien visitors from, wherever . .
The stories eventually were repackaged as a
collector's printed luxury book here > "TALES OF SHATTERED EARH"
Susan Jones