FIRE WOLF (Sagas of
The Demonspawn)
(From the artist's book "Heroes
& Villains II")
By : Deborah Susan Jones : Editor
Sagas of The
Demonspawn was a Roleplay game books series written by
J. H. Brennan and which, amongst other countries, was
published in Italy by Edizione E.Elle in Trieste, a
publisher that the artist had a long working
relationship with born out of their initial involvement
in publishing Joe Dever's Lone Wolf series which they
had initially sub-licensed from Editions Gallimard, the
Paris based publishers of the series and for who they
provided printing services of the French paperback
series, which led to the Italian publisher asking the
artist to work on further roleplay titles and some
related novels in the Italian roleplay publishing
market during the 1980s and into the 90s.
This painting was created in the artist's
Wimbledon-based London studio in January
It was also subsequently
licensed to a Hungarian publisher called Totem in August
The painting is unusual in
terms of the artist's normal working methods at that time
in that it takes a picture proportion he normally reserved
for wraparound book covers and up-ends it to a vertical
which, when appearing on the actual book cover, sheds a
portion of the top of the picture. At the time of
creation, so hot was the market for the artist's output,
publishers welcomed any extra usage they could extract
from a painting and this layout was tried sometimes to
provide the publisher with the option of areas for a
poster to appear in book stores and other printed
promotional settings and positions.
The picture is also related to
another in the Demonspawn series Crypts of Terror which
you can see here.
Susan Jones : Editor
