              Wind Heroes & Villains Oil Painting and Limited
              Edition Print of a roleplay game illustration
The ultimate collectors luxury editon. Limited editon, giclee printed, handmade, paint encrusted hardback cover, wraparound dust jacket, original archive drawing in the title page, presentation box artist signed.

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The ultimate collectors luxury editon. Limited editon, giclee printed, handmade, paint encrusted hardback cover, wraparound dust jacket, original archive drawing in the title page, presentation box artist signed.
Flight from the Dark
(From the book "Heroes & Villains Vol 2")
By : Deborah Susan Jones : Editor
This painting was initially created for Editions Gallimard in Paris for their French language editions of Joe Dever's Lone Wolf roleplay game series of books. There were four initial books to have covers designed for them and the deadline was unusually tight, with just 2-3 days available for each and all four to arrive in the Paris studio by 5th of January, inclusive of a photgraphic shoot to put the images on 5x4 inch transparency. It was the only Christmas that Peter worked and hard work it was too!
The paintings were duly completed, shot on tranparency and shipped.
And then . . . . . . . . .
A few weeks later Peter had cause to call the publisher and was greeted by a familiar sounding voice on the other end of the phone.
"Hello. you don't sound French?!"
"No, I'm English, but I'm working in Gallimard's studio here in Paris. I really like those pictures you've sent us."
"Yes. They were tough, I only had a few days on each, I usually take about tqo weeks on an cover but they said they had to have it by the 5th."
"Um, how should I put this? They've been sitting on the end of the table here for the last two weeks and nobody's looked at them yet."
"Right, well, I shan't be working Christmas again then, will I?!"
The rest is history.
Further books in the series were created (though not to such tight deadlines!) and these were so popular that Edizioni E Elle in Trieste, Italy, licensed the work for the Italian language market and eventually Red Fox in the UK also licensed the work for the non-american English language market and of course many otehr publishers around the globe also became licensees.
The painting proved, with the passage of time, to be one of the most iconic of Peter's Lone Wolf book covers and it is one of his own personal favourites and hangs in his studio in pride of place, a reminder of "the Paris jobs" and perhaps as a reminder not to work that hard ever again!
The Paris visits were quite an eye opener too for Peter, meeting French fans at the Publisher and signing personal copies of books and we spent some nice times in Paris including a very enjoyable drinks evening on Gallimard's very own floating barge on the Seine opposite Notre Dame.
Needless to say, no visit by an artist to Paris can pass without a visit to see La Gioconda or La Joconde (also known as the Mona Lisa ) by Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci at the Musée du Louvre. I doesn't matter how cliched such a visit might be you just have to do it and when you do you know exactly why it has the reputation it does. No painter can see this picture and be less than totally impressed. Magnifico!
Deborah Susan Jones

Peter Andrew Jones Handmade Frames

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