July 2017
Card Game)
"The Huntress"

. . . .
No summer
expected until September.
Summer and Autumn amalgamated.
tree colours interwoven
with hot sun at its zenith.
The garden residents had agreed that today
they would do nothing save sunbathe or read.
The Elves, Imps and Pixies had already this morning
irritated the Cook, the Owl and the Witch.
They were presently involved
in teasing the cats and the dogs.
The noise level had almost lifted the roof.
My sister, in the midst of writing letters,
lost her temper and stormed into the garden
to lay down the law.
Sometime later the tranquility of the garden
was restored and the Elves, Imps and Pixies
They disappeared into the wood,
where they met their woodland brethren
and wreaked havoc there....
Debbie &
Card Game)

. . . .
back at
the magick studio garden . . .
grey blue sky was daunting.
The Magpie was alone.
You could ask him to take tea with you.
Least ways, you could try....
T'is a long way to Tipperary,
so the old, old song suggests.
Put one foot forward, begin to walk.
Plod on till the road ends in
the place you set your sights upon.
You will find along your journey
you'll encounter assorted types,
(some characters).
There'll be those with whom you click
and those with whom you clash.
The Elves and Imps and Pixies
were adept at changing roles.
Days to act as victims,
days to act as Kings.
It mattered not which roles they played.
When all was said and done,
they'd always been a great success,
albeit slowly to themselves.
The Witch would, forever, lend a hand....
Debbie &
"EN PLEIN AIR TRIP" (Birmingham)
Catching-up with old friends . . . . (extended).
Yes, I am old enough to remember (cough!) . . . . .

. . . .
back at the magick studio garden . . . .
Ghosts and the Spectres
were still conversing together at dawn this morning
- in the various forms of the English language
which changing eras produced.
The ghostly Wolves and Wolverines
threaded their way through the throng,
growling low.
T'was their warning to any ghost in their path
would suffer the consequences, so....
The night creatures awoke,
wandered into the garden
to view the scene and decide
what to do next.
When darkness fell,
the Owl winged his way
to the countryside, eyes down,
probing for the prey he sought this night.
The jingle jangle of bells
advertised the arrival of the thigh-slapping,
yodeling, Volkstanz company,
whose performance lasted
for two Faerie Land hours.
Their dynamic finale was received
without applause, for their audience
had been rendered well nigh deaf in both ears....
Debbie &
"EN PLEIN AIR TRIP" (Birmingham)
Catching-up with old friends . . . . in BBC Birmingham foyer.
Yes, I am old enough to remember (cough!) . . . . .
Watching the very first episode of Dr. Who.
In 405 lines, black & white TV.
And . . . . I cherish to this very day . . . (sigh)
The Four and a half years of freelancing I did
(somewhat later in time) at the BBC.
(White City, London, early 1980s) |

. . . .
time moves on
back at the magick studio garden . . . .
garden was frost bound,
the Oak tree dripping.
Overhead, the rain clouds accumulated....
Nature's skyscrapers....
The Frog, the Toad, the Water Rat and the Goblin
were wending their way through the wood
to the field and from thence to the river.
The Frog, Toad and Water Rat were quite at home.
The Goblin's boots were saturated.
His clothes wet through.
Determined to withstand this unpleasantness,
discomfort, he shivered, sniffed, adjusted his clothing
and ploughed on.
The Mermaid endeavoured
to persevere with her swim
in the, more agreeable, wood pond's water.
The Witch of the Forest stirred
the magick potion in her cauldron.
A crow perched upon one shoulder,
a raven upon the other.
From nowhere in particular,
the birds of Rhiannon made their grand entrance.
Today's song list commenced with the haunting,
"Song of the Earth," composed by
Gustav Mahler, of Austria....
Debbie &
"EN PLEIN AIR TRIP" (Birmingham)
Always on the hunt, for inspiration . . . .
The Cathedral Church of St. Philip.
Colmore Row, Birmingham.
Church of England cathedral - seat of the Bishop of Birmingham.
Built as a parish church and consecrated in 1715.

. . . .
and rustlings
in the night silent wood
heralded pre-dawn. And
the awakening of the Fantastical
daytime garden residents.
They performed their ablutions -
(some swam in the garden pond, too,
as early morning exercise).
Alternatively, they had the choice
of the pond in the wood....
This was the 'Mermaid's hour' so-called.
T'was the time of the day when she felt
most serene and at ease.
No tedious Ogre to watch out for and, above all,
no Elves, Imps and Pixies to upset the apple cart -
and every resident of house and garden withal....
The Cook arrived early for, today,
there was to be a large garden party here,
hosted by my sister.
So plentiful were her requests, nay, demands that,
even an experienced Cook had become confused....
Next chapter tomorrow....!
Debbie &
"EN PLEIN AIR TRIP" (Birmingham)
Drawing on a train, is, how shall I put it?
But I was determined to see, what sort of use I could get
from the swerving, juddering, rickety movements of the carriage
and how they could be used to create effects?
To my surprise, it really quite added useful effects.
Whereas I would have had, otherwise, to create effects
these effects, such as broken-up perimeter edging
were created "naturally' by the movement of the train.
One wonders what other varieties of line could be found
by placing oneself in what, at first thought, would be considered
unfavorable situations that, in fact, produce useful effects?
I shall give it more thought in due course!

other disruptive events were happening,
back at the magick garden . . . .
bandits had invaded the garden,
to join all those Ghosts already resident.
The ghost pirates and highwayman
kept a hand on their knives or swords.
"Are these Corsican bandits Friends?
Foes? Secret Agents?
The Elves crowded near to absorb
into their memory banks every detail
of these ghost's dress and
the weaponry on their hips.
The Flower Faeries settled
on the branches of the Aspen,
where the yellow turning red leaves
part-obscured them.
A wren perched beside them.
They listened to the guttural
exchanges between the men,
in a tongue only decipherable by
the multi-linguist Wizard.
Parlate corsu?
Debbie &
"EN PLEIN AIR TRIP" (Birmingham)
Setting up the equipment, ready to draw . . . . . .

back at the magick studio garden,
the heat of the day had caused "issues" . . . .
fire was extinguished with water
and mounds of soil, brought in
by the Fire and Rescue Service.
Today, it is the turn of the RSPCA....
The garden residents are undertaking
a training in the widening of perception....
Information overload?!
'Tis unlikely that the Ogre, or Elves attend.
Their perception of the world is 'the truth.'
Full stop....
The Witch will instruct, the Wizard expand and
those who complete the course,
receive a diploma.
The Queen of Faerie Land
has sent her Lord Chamberlain and Secretary
to pitch in, play the game,
add an elegant BA Hons. to his name.
The Unicorn had no time for such skills,
for already he knew, or, at least was aware of,
countless scenarios which the average human being -
The Goblin and Gnome looked at things from below,
the Flower Faeries, on the other hand,
had a full scope of vistas from above, below, sideways.
The Owl saw the world from above
and so on and on, and so forth....
The Witch will sort it....
Debbie &
Card Game)

Wanda had been muzzled,
so to speak.... and,
escorted politely through the garden gate to the road.
Her wings had been clipped
to prevent her from escaping
the exile island to which she'd been banished.
A message had been relayed,
via bush telegraph, to
every niche and corner of
the Kingdom of Faerie Land.
"By hook or by crook,
let not the Wailing Wanda
through Faerie Land Customs.
Watch her."
The news has lately
come to my ears that
"The Lady has been permitted an extended parole...."
Debbie &
Exterior of St Mary's Church.
Early 13th century,
with 14th century transepts
and 15th century clerestories
and crossing tower.
Recorded in The Doomsday Book.

Wanda, the dreary Faerie,
was wringing her hands and "doing her stuff."
She had served as an alarm call this morning early
and disturbed the garden creatures.
The Elves, the Imps and Pixies,
were being calmed by the Witch.
The Flower Faeries worked off their jumpiness
by zipping through the trees.
The Toad, the Frog and Water Rat
dived into the garden pond and
raced each other rapid, fast,
fast through the bitter morning water.
The Mole, the Stoat and Weasel,
and an hedgehog passing through,
were contemplating throwing -
anything and everything -
at the offending Faerie.
The Ogre made his entrance
when the scene was revved full throttle.
He liked it not and
roared full volume,
stamped his feet and shook,
(with a vengeance),
the trunk of the Oak.
The Oak shed truckloads of its leaves
upon the sleeping Ogre, who, spluttered in his sleep.
Giving an enormous sneeze awoke him and - and? -
the tranquillity of the garden
went slurp down the plug hole....
Debbie &
Card Game)

out of a profoundly restful sleep,
the Goblin sprung to his feet and
headed towards the garden pond.
There he splashed icy water over face and head,
patted them dry and charged around the garden
like shot from a rifle.
The Gremlin, sleepy-headed,
lifted has head from the pillow
and yawned a huge yawn.
Throwing back the bedclothes, he sat,
contemplating his navel till he felt energised.
A thundering upon his front door,
snapped him to his feet.
He opened his front door
to his breathless, red-faced, friend,
invited him inside and sat him down.
A cup of mint tea and a puff of cheroot
and they were ready to face the day
and commence their daily preambulations.
The garden was silent, the temperature?
Was this spring, summer, autumn,
winter or just the Arctic?
The Ogre joined them, sniffling and snorting,
having found no clean handkerchiefs
with which to wipe his nose.
The Witch summoned the Ogre to carry her cauldron
to a well-protected spot and, with her artistic skill,
built a masterpiece fire, lit it.
The sounds of crackling and the smoke
attracted the Elves, Imps and Pixies, who,
abluted themselves quickly and huddled close as they could.
The Ogre filled the cauldron
with water and today's potions, and
waited upon the arrival of the Flower Faeries
bearing food and beverages.
The Unicorn landed,
the Dragon glided on to the fields.
His hugeness made fitting on to the lawn
a near-impossibility….
The Frog, Toad and Water Rat
ambled through to the wood,
where they enjoyed a dip in the pond
with the Mermaid.
Their friendly Witch of the wood saw them,
invited them to join her and,
rubbed them down smartly
before pouring mugs of sweet berry juice.
The morning was in motion,
the cuckoo sang and the birds of Rhiannon
flew in to lend their voices to the refrain....
Debbie &
Exterior of St Chad's Church.

day. The French Revolution.
Heroism, cowardice, duty and treason.
Charles Dickens, Tale of Two Cities, Les Miserables.
Strange though it be, the resident garden creatures were
in the mood to revolt....
The Queen of the Faeries and the Queen of the woodlands
each desired to issue an edict which replaced
the current free movement with passports and visas.
Outmoded, unacceptable.
The Wizard's opinion was a copy of their's.
He strode hither and thither, deep in thought - considering -
what spell and which spell would be the bestest,
the most efficacious.
Pondering the next step to take,
one foot went into a hidden rabbit hole.
He fell upon his face,
squashed his nose
and muddied his clothes,
his person, his hair.
Bringing up the rear,
the embarrassment ruined his well/developed ego....
Debbie &
Card Game)

garden had returned
to its usual routines, though the Ghosts
and the Spectres were on the qui vive.
Too many antipathetic ghosts,
whose behaviours were.... yuck?!
The Witch, the Wizard,
the Dragon and the Unicorn were
far from home, winging their way t'wards lands remote.
The Flower Faeries were packing their bags,
prior to flying to distant islands in the sun.
The Elves, the Imps and the Pixies, too,
had decided to remain here, at home, 'cos
holidaying abroad meant a great deal of preparation.
The Weasel, the Stoat, the Mole, the Goblin,
the Gremlin were readying themselves for a walking holiday.
The Frog, the Toad and the Water Rat
were still planning a break across the hill
in a deserted, no man's land....
My sister had already set the backup
of almost everyone in the house....
My own holiday I shall bring forward -
if I can.
Buona fortuna!!
Debbie &
Card Game)

ghosts of Corsican bandits
had vanished into thin air....leaving
the resident Ghosts and Spectres
to get their breath back,
breathe deep and breathe easy.
The Goblin and the Gnome moseyed round and about,
stopping to exchange pleasantries with fellows in arms
and those they held at arm's length.
The Witch had, once again,
annexed the wine cellar.
She had with her, the Flower Faeries, for
she wanted to learn their unique magick spells,
(those they'd divulge?!)
The Ogre had been unable to sleep
trundling semi-comatose from his dwelling place
to his daybed underneath the Oak.
The Mermaid was entertaining the Frog,
Toad and Water Rat, the conversation turning to
life in the wood versus life in the garden.
The sun beat down fiercely,
the heat climbed, climbed higher.
The garden water taps gushed cold water,
the sprinklers played.
The squeal of brakes in the stable yard heralded
the arrival of my sister in her Aston Martin,
and the prospect of a fortnight of family disagreements....
Cave canem!!
Debbie &
The Unicorn had disappeared
for respite elsewhere on the globe.
The Dragon wasn't welcome,
so lumbering had he become.

When he visited, the garden was full of Dragons,
with scarce room for the others....
The Elves, Imps and Pixies had set in motion
their summer routine now, which included
waking us all très early by whatever means they chose.
The Cook, they had decided,
must be kept in good temper.
Otherwise they found themselves barred
from the larder, kitchen and pantry.
Their good behaviour fell short
of not raiding the larder or pantry.
they even left the kitchen
Today, their preoccupation
was to nettle the garden residents
by use of their pea shooters
and the playing of loud music.
They succeeded....
The birds of Rhiannon flew in
later than is their wont and
took great pains to drown out
the Elves non-musical cacophony.
The crows, too, had settled in the Oak and,
the Owl was become exceedingly agitated.
Unable to rest, he emerged from his "home"
and swooped down to where the Elves,
Imps and Pixies stood.
Each one of these 'despots'
received a sharp peck on the nose....
Debbie &
Card Game)

shoal of diminutive multi-coloured dragons,
zeroed in on the garden afore the sun had arisen.
They plummeted earthwards, to
crash land inelegantly upon the dewy lawn....
The Elves grouched.
The Pixies and Imps, scowled.
The Witch shook her broomstick violently,
and began pelting them with pebbles.
The itsy bitsy dragons charged around the garden,
jumped into the Witch's cauldron, were scalded,
The Ogre kicked as many, as many as poss,
hurled Ogre-ish insults,
stormed back to his home.
The Goblin and the Goblin remained cool
and collected,
the Toad, the Weasel and the Stoat,
leapt down abandoned rabbit holes,
nestling a feared 'gainst the earthen walls,
shaken and shaking....
The dragons, having sussed
that no fun could be got here,
took off en masse, storming thisaway,
thataway, Then poof!!
Magick -
The sky was empty...
They were gone....
Debbie &
Card Game)

a whispery, starlight backdrop
that met my bleary-eyed squint
through the bedroom window pane
to the magickal kingdom wherein
I dwelt.
No comprehensible language
or tongue was audible.
The complementary passages were,
earth, wind and fire....
Earth being dug and then moulded
into statuettes depicting nature's fauna
and flora and mythical creatures.
The wind blew a variety of nature's gifts
into modern art shapes and patterns upon the lawn.
Dawn broke upon the Elysian landscape
which we call home....
Debbie &
Card Game)

out in our magick studio garden . . . .
Ogre was beaming from ear to ear.
He was off for a holiday in sunnier climes....
Where precisely that was,
no other resident could ascertain.
The Witch was to accompany him
for part of the journey.
At the base of the hill range,
a magickal mountain pony would take over....
The Ogre struggled to climb the steep, rocky hillside,
slithering and sliding and losing his footing.
Nearing the summit,
he was pleasantly surprised to find,
as he negotiated a pile of rocks, that,
a friend from his childhood
was resting behind it and munching
an energy restoring snack.
They conversed for some while
in their guttural tones, then
pursued their way upwards
to the summit and sleep....
Debbie &
"A Cantile For Leibowitz"
New Limited Edition Print release.
Newly de-archived this week.
Only available by direct e-mail
Go HERE to order >

Elves had purloined a can of fly spray,
with which they were playing silly bs....
Spraying first, each other and then,
for good measure,
any other resident of our enchanted garden
who passed by too close....
When the fly spray can was empty,
the Elves rushed round to the kitchen,
hammered on the door, til
the Cook let them in.
Her angry voice resounded
like the thunder of drums.
Surely, even the Elves would scarper
as soon as they could?!
They stayed.
The Unicorn was brushed,
groomed and presently,
the Flower Faeries
were dusting its body
with satin grey sparkles.
As a variation upon the usual choice
of colours for mane and tail,
the Witch had conjured a tiny spell,
which meant that,
with each change of the Unicorn's mood,
the indigo violet dye would fade
into Lamp Black....
The Witch was most satisfied,
and the Unicorn, too,
ceased to graze. Instead,
standing in the garden pond,
admiring his beauty....
The Ghosts and Spectres,
the ghostly Wolves and Werewolves,
the Goblin and Gremlin played
a game of Hide, Seek and Hunt, as
the sun crept over the window sills .
The clean as crystal windows
were open to the mellow summer air....
Debbie &
Card Game)

The Flower
Faeries had issued
a host of invitations,
to those Faeries
considered to be
worthy of such an honour.
Witch had been roped in
to supervise the food,
devise a suitable menu
and buy the ingredients.
The Ogre, t'was expected,
would conclude that
a substantial portion of the food
would be his.... without asking.
The Goblin and the Gremlin
had asked of the Flower Faeries
to prepare a picnic repast
of tip top quality.
They had packed their rucksacks
with the items required to
keep them dry, warm and energy-full
for as long as it took to hike across the hills,
the dust dry plain beyond,
to the desert of Mythalasia.
The Elves, Imps and Pixies,
the Dragon and Unicorn
were to travel back in time to the Dark Age.
They had known those times, for sure,
in a very different guise.
Fantasy creatures, certainly,
more beginning of time,
more reptilian than of now.
They pre-dated the Ghosts, the Spectres,
the ghostly Wolves and Werewolves.
The Wizard, the Witch,
the Queen of Faerie Land
and the Queen of the wood,
were older than old.
Stretching back to an era afore time was born....
Debbie &

outside th studio,
in the magick garden . . . . .
rain pelted down
upon an already saturated lawn.
The grey clouds skudded across stormy skies.
A wild wind blew, there was thunder on the right.
Sheet lightning flared, illuminating the landscape.
Each and every garden shelter
was chockablock with occupants,
shaking and shivering with cold and anxiety.
There were the exceptions....
The Elves, Imps and Pixies
were inclined to perform war dances.
Shout, yell and shriek as they tore through the garden.
They were not captivated
by the prospect of being struck down
with an illness, which might impede
their ability to play mischief,
despoil and vandalize.
The Witch had demanded
entry into the house.
T'was admitted.
She was presently endeavouring
to position her mini cauldron
over the lighted fire in the Library fireplace.
The Goblin and the Gremlin
had stormed the greenhouse,
had locked the door.
The Toad, Stoat and Water Rat
were hell bent upon gate crashing
the kitchen, the pantry.
Even the wine cellar?!
The house was warm, the attic quiet.
Going down the stairs,
I encountered the Fly, the Mouse,
the Spider, a glow worm and a
myriad of scurrying, unwelcome, ants.
With fortitude, I ignored them,
pursuing my way to the bottom
of the stairway and in to breakfast.
Debbie &
Drawings to be created in these personal collector's hardbacks.

outside th studio,
in the magick garden . . . . .
grass snake slithered through the grass
at the rate of knots.
In its wake came a squirrel,
chattering dementedly....
From the Oak, the Owl eyed the scene
with a keenness tinged with fatigue
and the Flower Faeries darted
and weaved overhead,
oh so curious they were....
The grass snake outsmarted the squirrel,
the chitter chatter ceased.
The garden was shush....
At this point,
the Imps and the Pixies came on board,
hopping and skipping,
hollering, too.
The racket was dire?!
From the kitchen,
the Cook issued forth,
armed with her rolling pin,
and a jug of hot water.
She waddled quick as you please,
t'wards the offending creatures,
and showered the lot
with the hot, (not scalding), water.
The racket increased,
as the Cook exited the garden.
Such was the anxiety felt
by the other garden creatures, that,
when the Witch and the Wizard
magicked out of nowhere,
they cast such a spell that
turned the Imps and Pixies
to corn flowers and daisies....
Debbie &
New painting (detail) for upcoming faerytale book.
Progressing - bit, by, bit !

. . . . .
gentle breeze whispered
through the half opened window,
carrying with it particles of garden debris,
miniature featherlings,
and a tree leaf or two.
Golden sunbeams illuminated
the clouds of dust particles,
which settled upon floor,
and rugs.
The Elves, Imps and Pixies
were playing Elfin bagpipes,
the jarring dissonance
was beyond the acceptable.
The Goblin and the Gremlin betook themselves
to the wood, through it to the fields.
The Mole, the Weasel and Stoat
climbed through the garden gate
and along the country road to the village.
Posthaste, the Frog, the Toad and the Water Rat
took the path to the wood pond
and dived down real deep....
The Cook, sympathetic,
stuffed her ears with cotton wool,
the Witch fetched her ear muffs.
The Ghosts, the Spectres,
the ghostly Wolves and Werewolves
howled soundlessly,
crying into the mounting wind.
The Owl, the birds of Rhiannon
and, paradoxically, the Crows,
perched as high as possible,
at the tip top of the Oak.
The cacophony continued,
continued, continued 'til
the heavens opened and the rain fell
in sheets and the lightening flashed
seeming with
evil intent....
Debbie &
Blog by Pedro Panhoca, our Brazilian game development partner
Enjoy his full
blog @
Long time away forced me to return
to .... KULT!
In the midst of my master's research, I came across Arcane magazine (#
4), from March 1996 (e-mail me if you want a screenshot) which featured
an article about the KULT card game, both out of print for decades.
It is rated 7 (the maximum note is 10) by the magazine. This CCG is
characterized by its most attractive words: "Gruesome", "macabre
artwork", "skulls", "tarot", "death" and many others, whose obscurity
repels the weak and attracts the most curious.
Featured are the playing card box with Peter Andrew Jones' legendary
DEATH ANGEL, and in a small pile of cards, the top one also passed
through his hands.
It's not Nescafe, but "one thing leads to another": surely KULT fans
would love this game, and the card lovers would go deeper if they knew
what the RPG could offer them.
Make your hole in the membrane that the gods have enveloped us in and
read the matter in its entirety. Then tear it a little harder and open
your mind to something never imagined.
And give yourself up to the sublime by having contact with the art of
Peter Andrew Jones in its entirety.
CHALLENGE - stage 3"
First pass,
Oil paint only.
Initial thumbnail characterisation
sketch of main character shown also.
More walks around the magick studio garden needed . . . . .

And, we
couldn't help but notice,
the Dragon
was suffering
from a snuffling cold and sore throat.
Impossible to
blow smoke, let alone breathe fire....
doctor who attended these mythical creatures
was presently present in this dewy, chilly garden,
applying soothing medicinal cream.
And . . .
endeavouring to feed him
a nasty tasting medicine.
The Witch stood beside the doctor
watching closely his methods of working.
For the doctor t'was become increasingly difficult to
cover the vast area for which he was responsible.
Help and assistance would never come amiss!
The Flower Faeries did their bit -
mainly back up. However,
their skills were more the making of fruit teas,
coffees and scrummy food for unwell creatures.
The Ogre was grouchy this morning,
having slept ill and now. discovered that,
the centre of attention t'was the Dragon,
not himself....
The Unicorn, too, was not his usual self.
His front right fetlock had been injured
during his last-night's visit to debris-strewn Space.
He resented the prospect of having to rest,
to remain as still and quiet as he was able.
The Elves were their usual, self-seeking selves,
the Imps and Pixies a trifle more sensitive to others!
The Goblin and Gremlin were gone to market,
the Mole, the Weasel and Stoat
were visiting friends.
As the day progressed,
the Witch impulsively invited all and sundry
to partake of the lavish tea that she had prepared
for friends and family. Thus . . .
the residents of the garden wended their way home in luxuriant mood...
Debbie &
Card Game)

The Wizard
swept into the garden,
aboard his moth eaten Magick carpet.
he came into land,
he put his foot through a hole and,
with a crack his ankle snapped
and was broke.
Oh, blast, damn and blast!
He swore blue murder and screeched,
collapsed in a heap
yelling for the Witch to come to his aid
The Witch responded at a run,
bathed his ankle, bound it, and
called the Elfin doctor to visit,
The doctor was engaged with a patient.
His arrival was delayed.
The Wizard tore his hair,
ranted and raved,
caused the other residents of the garden
to plug their ears and
shove off quick....
At that, the Witch cuffed his ears,
both ears smartly,
bringing a soothing tranquility
once more to the garden....
Debbie &
Special one-off book for private
So, busy, busy, busy
in the studio, this weekend.

The Cats
were asleep
under the open breakfast room window.
In the shade?
I saw it. A mouse hole.
T'would be brand new,
Oh, Lordy, Lordy....
The front door banged,
and scores of footsteps shuffled
across the carpets in the hallway.
From under the door
the Spider punched the clock,
the Fly droned his irksome music,
a bumble bee, the chorus.
The rhythm liked I not.
With reluctance I pushed the chair back,
left the work assigned by my agent,
went downstairs to the Library.....
Debbie &
Card Game)

nonpareil Elf was a warrior,
an explorer, a painter, a mountain climber
and an author of Fantasy galaxy, note....
His age was indeterminate,
his health and stamina exceptional.
And his physical strength?
I had watched him lift awe inspiring weights and
throw boulders at least 2 times his size, believe me!
The garden Elves could blow peas long distances
from their pea shoots, fire rifles and pistols and
fence with Elfen swords.
The Stoat, Weasel and Mole,
the Toad, the Frog and the Water Rat
preferred cricket bats, Hockey sticks
and Lacrosse sticks, too?!
The Ghosts and ghostly Wolves and Werewolves
made do with a scare or a fright.
The Flower Faeries were loving and giving
and the Ogre cornered the market
in grouchiness and bad temper.
The Unicorn chose to fly away from discord
and the the Dragon breathed fire and blew clouds
of grey smoke in the eyes of his foes.
The Wizard and the Witch
cast spells to metamorphose
those who upset or distressed them
from creature to a sculpture of brick,
marble or stone.
My inclination was to imitate the Cook and
soak the culprit in dirty water....
Debbie &
Card Game)

Unicorn was chatting
with a visiting grasshopper . . . . .
tongue they spoke dated from
dem days of yore, of such a squint
to see over the horizon
long, long, long, long time ago.
The Dragon flew over,
skimming the tree tops.
A late-to-go home bat
dipped in and out of the grass.
The Elves sat close to an Ogre-constructed fire,
stretching hands and feet to the blaze and
sliding closer and closer.
The Ogre, himself,
was traipsing through the fields,
head bowed, hair unkempt,
arms held rigid by his sides.
As he swung along,
his rigidity modulated.
His head lifted, his whole face smiled,
as he drank in the country landscape
and breathed the fresh country air.
The Elves, Imps and Pixies
had naught to do - again?! So,
they played cards, shook tambourines
and plink plonked on their venerable,
portable clavichord....
Debbie &
Card Game)

. . .
out in the magick studio garden
a different game is being played . . . . .
Elfin Champion of Hand to Hand Combat,
Fencing and Dueling, Archery and Boxing,
had been extended an invitation
to demonstrate his prowess and
oversee a Workshop for Elfs
aged between 9 and 12 Elfin years.
The Workshop was 'a buzz with activity when,
the Ogre stuck his nose in
where there it was not wanted.
He most certainly caused an exodus
of youthful participants,
the Elfin Champion the "cameraman,"
the co-ordinating officer and -
on and on and on.....
The Witch had been given
a more powerful Magick broom.
It's opening number was to be,
"sweep the cobwebs from
the Ogre's minimalist brain,
and charge it with common sense."
The spell required
a second casting and a third.
Upon the fourth time of casting,
the Ogre's brain cleared and he strode,
actually strode, to his home in the wood....
Debbie &
It's oh so nice to go trav'ling
But it's so much nicer,
yes it's so much nicer,
to come home . . . .
(especially to countryside like this).

. . .
now we're back at the studio
I see, nothing much has changed . . . .
Ogre had scratched his hands
on a thorn bush and demanded that
the Witch disinfect the wounds,
stick plasters over them and
provide him with gloves.
The Witch did assist him.
The gloves, she said,
were for him to provide.
She was neither his personal nurse,
nor his personal servant....
When his hands felt better,
the Ogre stomped off to his
private breakfast parlour
beneath the Oak tree.
Presently, the Wizard breezed into the garden,
aboard a curiously designed flying machine
which resembled a cross between a classic motorcar,
an engine, a motorbike and a WW1 BE2 aircraft....
He landed beside the grazing Unicorn,
who, taken unawares, shied, and,
traversing the garden at a gallop,
soared over the garden gate and into the sky.
The Flower Faeries,
having assembled the materials
with which to beautify him,
were left wondering whether he'd return this day.
The Cook had invited the Elves,
Imps and Pixies to breakfast in the kitchen.
T'was an especial treat to celebrate
the ancient Elf Elder's 1000th birthday.
The mice came, too, as did the Spider,
the Weasel, the Sloth and the Stoat.
The Witch had declined to attend.
The Elves would have been altogether
too much of a good thing,
after the Ogre's rudeness....
Midway through the morning,
the hint of hoof beats was sensed
by these magickal Fantasy creatures.
Presently, the Queen of Faerie Land
became visible riding bare back
upon a winged Palomino steed and,
t'was of necessity expected that
every garden resident assemble
on the lawn to line the path
the Queen would walk along
and show their respect....
Debbie &
(+ history lesson )
Farewell Brum.
Time to pack-up the sketchbook and rucksack.
'till next trip.
and . . . . a history lesson for those who may be interested >
'Birmingham is named after the Ingas of Birm'
Historians say an Anglo-Saxon tribe called the Beormingas (meaning
‘Beorma’s people') settled in the area in the 6th or early 7th century.
Beorma was a Saxon leader, inga is a Saxon word for "a group of people"
and ham means village so Birmingham thus translates as "home of the
people of Beorma."


. . .
back at the studio . . . .
garden was, momentarily, a stopping place
for an archetypical kestrel passing through.
The Crow escaped to the garden next door, lest
the kestrel be hungry and chance upon him
to form a part of its menu.
The Flower Faeries, it ignored,
the Elves it could deal with,
the Imps and the Pixies were beyond its ken.
Whilst the kestrel cleansed itself,
had a sleep and a drink, the residents of the garden
agreed to form a defence force, armour plating (?)
A barrier against the prospect
of becoming a delectable feast.
It t'was substantiated when,
the kestrel woke hungry.
Scanning the immediate environs
with his 20/20 vision,
he picked out the meal of his choice -
the Weasel, and the Stoat.
The barrier held and the kestrel had perforce
to do else and vamoose....
Debbie &

June |
"EN PLEIN AIR TRIP" (Birmingham)
Exterior of St Martins Church,
Final shot - at The Bull Ring
the back, up from the market -
Upper Mall West).
Open to visitors:
Monday to Saturday from 10:00 to 16:30,
Sunday from 09:00 to 19:00.
Love the colours and textures

. . .
back at the studio . . . .
the Stoat, the Weasel
and the aristocratic Mole,
the random equation was this:
Elves, two Imps and two Pixies
equalled OK ness in the garden.
If the numbers increased,
trouble ensued and the garden became
a battleground of
Elves against almost everyone.
The Witch, they looked upon
as a sort of god mother,
the Ogre an oversized pain in the rear.
The Flower Faeries were simpatici. However....
the rest of the crew were fundamentally
forgettable and she, the Cook,
was not too familiar with the threesome,
the Toad, the Frog and the Water Rat.
T'was no hardship to be friendly
until they committed a sin.
Debbie &
"EN PLEIN AIR TRIP" (Birmingham)
Exterior of St Martins Church,
Upper Mall West, at The Bull Ring
(around the back, further up from the market).
Open to visitors:
Monday to Saturday from 10:00 to 16:30,
Sunday from 09:00 to 19:00.
Just as spooky!

. . .
back at the studio . . .
Red Kite was circling
high above the house.
The sight was atypical, "something else...."
Ignoring the interloper,
the birds of Rhiannon had settled
every which way,
hijacked the garden....
The Owl had been permitted
a smidgeon of space on the branch
beside his hole in the tree home.
There t'was a snowball's chance in hell
for the murder of crows....
The Elves, Imps and Pixies were smote
by envy at what they considered,
the expropriation of "their" territorial possession?!
The envy they felt fired the starting pistol
to fast track determination to
create merry havoc in the house,
the garden, and the stable/garage.
Descending first upon the stables
with garage attached,
they wreaked the destruction
that only they could dream up.
The Witch was stumped,
the Wizard crumpled and the Flower Faeries
hit a trail o'er field, river and faraway hills.
The Cook shook her fists,
swore blue murder and threw hot water
and soap suds
at the arrogant Elves....
Debbie &
"EN PLEIN AIR TRIP" (Birmingham)
Exterior of St Martins Church, at The Bull Ring
(around the back, up from the market).
Open to visitors:
Monday to Saturday from 10:00 to 16:30,
Sunday from 09:00 to 19:00.

. . .
back at the studio . . . .
veil had lifted
upon the garden train station,
the muddy earth road leading nowhere,
and the helicopter pad.
The Elves, Imps and Pixies,
carrying their cabin baggage on their heads,
had formed a queue(?) at Customs
to retrieve their luggage.
T'was imperative that the helicopter pilots be wary.
The Unicorn breezed in
at non-negotiable times and
the magickal Dragon had no need
to wear a watch....
The Helicopter took off safely,
the Unicorn docked precisely and
the Dragon, too,
his grandiose wing span painting
platinum toned silhouettes
upon the grass
with a backdrop of platinum
and electric marble blue shadow....
Debbie &
"EN PLEIN AIR TRIP" (Birmingham)
And . . . still continuing a research trip
around the canals.

. . .
back at the studio,
"issues" unfold, as usual . . . .
Elves, Imps and Pixies
were jealous of the attention
the Unicorn luxuriated in.
They toiled and strove
to wheedle themselves,
by hook, line and sinker,
into a copycat situation....
The Witch's temper was simmering,
beginning to boil.
Her Witch's hat was askew,
her false teeth rattling.
The Wizard positioned himself
out of harm's way, behind a topiary bush
sculpted into the shape of a ship.
He kept mum, on tender hooks,
lest the Witch bite his head off...?
The Faeries of the Woodland sallied forth
to the fields, where they met with their brethren,
the Faeries of Agriculture.
Together they spread magick poison
to kill off the rapeseed, a plant which was
surplus to requirements - pestilential.
The field mice, the snails, the slugs,
ants, beetles, the insects.
The birds and the bees, the grasshoppers,
dragonflies, were warned to stay clear 'til,
the poison was drank.
Of no further danger.
The Faeries of the hills were wary spectators,
watching through Faerie binoculars
the unfolding of the drama,
their expectations tending
t'wards a negative ending.
The Cook marched out of the kitchen door,
closed it firmly and
glared at the protagonists.
She stamped her clogged feet,
waved her rolling pin and,
issued a warning at the top of her voice.
The Imps and the Pixies hunkered down,
heads upon knees, arms over their ears.
The Elves ignored her and madly danced
the dance of an Elfin pea shooter .
Thunderous footsteps....
A ginormous foot, humongous legs.
The body and arms, neck and head
were too far above eye level to ascertain
that aspect of the being.
The skies erased. The plunge into darkness,
heralded a stampede for whichever
of the garden exits was closest.
The Giant's next step took him through
one field and the next.
Sooner than soon, he was at John o' Groats....
Debbie &
"EN PLEIN AIR TRIP" (Birmingham)
Continuing the research trip
around the canals.
History everywhere, viewed from the narrow boat.

. . .
back at the studio,
the usual kerfuffle ensues . . . . .
Imps had unlocked the stable/garage doors
and were busy, busy, busy breaking into my car.
In the stables adjacent,
my usually even-tempered "ride,"
sleep disturbed, chaffed the cobbled floor
agitatedly and whinnied.
The Goblin and the Gremlin,
still abed in an empty feeding box,
turned over, covered their ears and
endeavoured to ignore the break in.
A Faerie visitor from the hills
flew past the stable door.
Built like Faerie weightlifter,
she was dressed in
mountaineering costume.
Her hair was close-cropped,
her face and neck tanned,
her hands rough,
her nails were broken and
her eyes perpetually 'asquint.
When the Flower Faeries flew in
with the Weasel and Stoat,
they heard the commotion
in the stable yard and curious,
took a detour to find out whyever?
The Witch bagged her garden "workspace,"
and lighted a fire.
Before commencing the casting
of the spells requested for today,
she, too, stomped into the stable yard,
promptly summed up the situation and,
peremptorily took charge.
When the Pixies and Elves
had achieved their objective,
they found a horse, (and others),
prepared to learn them a lesson.
With the aid of the Witch,
the Ghosts, the ghostly Wolves and Wolverines,
my equine friend succeeded in arresting
the pig headedness of these irksome persons.
As the Cuckoo clock in the hall
struck the hour of breakfast, they
crept back to the garden, red faced,
sore in spirit, embarrassed....
Debbie &
"EN PLEIN AIR TRIP" (Birmingham)
Always fancied illustrating a book
about the UK's industrial past.
a research trip around the canals.
Fascinating history lesson via voice-over on the narrow boat.

. . .
While I am away
back at the magick studio garden . . .
the course of yesterday,
the work schedule I set myself
began to drag.
The rain held off,
the wind had soft-peddled, and
the spells cast yesterday
by the Wizard and the Witch,
had infused the house,
garden and wood in a magickal mood.
The Cook was in the kitchen early this morning,
jam to be made, marmalade and loaves of bread.
We'd been impelled to find a suitable hiding place
to place these items elseways, the Elves,
Imps and Pixies would devour the whole shebang.... And -
leave the kitchen, scullery and parlour in a "must clean," state?!
The Head Gardener and his assistants
were returned to the garden to restore it to rights
and assess what they needs must.
A trifle later, the Dragon and the Unicorn arrived
and the Flower Faeries began the daily task
of washing down the Unicorn, combing,
brushing and tinting his hair, and
threading his mane and tail
and threading precious jewels
through mane and tail.
When all was complete,
the Flower Faeries were startled to find that,
an unknown Faerie was perched
on a rock near the pond.
Greeting her shyly,
they learned that her name was Lynwen, and,
she came from Bala Lake, Wales,
residing in the wild grasses
which grew far enough away
to obviate flooding.
She was cherry nosed,
all sparkle and freckles,
and full of happy smiles -
the Flower Faeries were hopeful
of persuading her to stay....
Debbie &
Card Game)

. . .
Out in the magick studio garden . . .
Weasel and Stoat and
the "The Third Man," the Mole,
were hanging about awaiting the Mermaid.
She had travelled to the hills to visit a lake,
wherein lived a cousin. Fathoms deep....
She swathed herself profusely with warm,
waterproof cream for fresh water Mermaids.
The Stoat began fidgeting,
the Weasel began yawning
and the Mole buried his nose in the grass,
closed his eyes and slept.
The Elves, the Imps and the Pixies
decided to take advantage of the empty wood pond.
They collected pocketfuls of pebbles and sticks,
and chanting, "Ready, Steady, Go,"
commenced a game of "Skimming pebbles
through water."
The Flower Faeries fed and groomed the Unicorn early,
before taking turns to experiment
with Steam Punk make up and hair styles.
The Witch, interested, opened her spell book,
and set about researching a potion to add
to the potion already percolating in her cauldron.
And its fragrance was of coconut,
sweet smelling spice and
fine spun jasmine.
The birds of Rhiannon sang,
the Owl, lulled to sleep and
the Ogre ate his breakfast
in reposeful calm....
Debbie &
- details in next newsletter.
This to be added shortly.

. . .
Out in the magick studio garden . . .
adventurous Dragon was once more
on his way to,
planets as yet unknown,
stars scarcely visible.
The Unicorn had teamed up with him,
flying into a canter, a gallop, wings spread wide,
polished hooves emitting sparks.
He was forced to slow his pace
to keep the dragon company.
T'was slow progress at times
for an energetic creature such as he....
They rested on Venus, they feasted on Mars,
assuming a steadier pace as they reached
debris laden, spacecraft-cluttered,
waveless, windless Space.
The garden residents, meanwhile,
had sustained a shock to their systems,
with an invasion of a multitudinous throng of seagulls?!
Far distant from from the sea,
though close to a river, a seagulls were strangers
to the countryside hereabout.
The birds of Rhiannon were the next visitors to appear.
The possibility of obtaining a free branch was unachievable.
The Witch came, spells cast, was free to intervene and,
with a complicated ports de bras, a flick of her wrist,
magicked the garden empty of all but the birds of Rhiannon
and garden residents and me....
Debbie &
Card Game)

. . .
Out in the magick studio garden . . .
resident Dragon was entertaining his extended family,
whose ages traversed the whole spectrum of the epochs,
from five hundred years ago to the present day.
The elders took life easy, the youngsters indefatigable.
The garden was packed to the gills, like sardines.
The residuum of the garden residents had been asked
to find somewhere else to potter, to socialise, or not....
As the case may be.
The Witch had rejected this invitation.
Too many potions to prepare for the spells
t'was obligatory to cast today.
The Ogre had tried to follow his daily routine,
to no avail.
Nix, no dice, no go,
a firmissimo veto.
The Flower Faeries, the Owl, the Crow and the Weasel
were sitting upon a branch of the venerable Oak.
The Stoat and the Mole were at the pond in the wood,
gossiping with the fresh water Mermaid, the Frog,
the Toad and the Water Rat.
The Elves, Imps and Pixies were streaking
through the countryside, their version of taking part in
a Fantasy Land F1 Grand Prix.
The birds of Rhiannon settled at the tip top of the Oak,
singing the famous chorus in Verdi's opera, "Nabucco."
The house staff, the kitchen staff, the garden staff and the cleaners
had laid aside their utensils and listened enthralled,
as did the Dragons, and everybody else.
Debbie &
Card Game)

. . .
Out in the magick studio garden . . .
magickal scenario,
such as Shakespeare's "A Midsummer's Dream,"
was acted out in realtá this shadowy,
moonlit morn.
In a starry woodland copse,
where no sunbeams were permitted,
dwelled a Dragon without spirit,
forwardlookingness, or hope.
He was prostrated on the boggy earth
on an early, wet, summer's day,
waiting for inspiration, the dragon form,
you understand?
A transparent rustle, a translucent swish,
a (slight) disturbance in the tree and,
the Dragon felt a Faerie hand pinch his nostrils,
and then a cast a spell sensation of
being surrounded by a treasure trove
of good fortune without end....
With a thump of his tail and
a Dragon smile on his face,
he lifted his armour-plated head and,
beheld a golden-haired, regal lady,
clothed in the ancient garb of Egypt.
The Faerie stood, arms wide, fingers extended.
Her spell was permeating the air the sky,
and Mother Earth.
The meaning of this benefice remained obscure
for many days until the Dragon recommenced adventuring
around those Universes, both material and immaterial....
Debbie &
Card Game)

. . .
Out in the magick studio garden . . .
silhouette of a Faerie emerged,
from the impasto designed bark
of a woodland Oak.
As she fluttered her wings
and straightened her gown,
the captivating figure of a Faerie Land aristocrat
unfolded, came to life - magick!!
The Faerie was apparelled
in an ankle-length robe, of
slithers of bark, new leaves
and mid-summer sunbeams.
Her nose was Roman,
her lips thin and unsmiling,
her expression was one
of imperious punctiliousness.
The Flower Faeries smiled sweetly
and perched dutifully near,
the Elves, Imps and Pixies sidled close,
bowed and went into the house.
The Toad, the Frog and the Water Rat
fetched the Wizard and the Witch
to talk platitudes, drop compliments and
distract the aristocratic Faerie from
careful note-taking observations.
The Ghosts and ghostly Wolves and Wolverines
glided round and about,
waiting for the Ogre to spoil the scenario
and rewrite the plot.
The Queen of Faerie Land and
the Queen of the Woodlands,
messaged by telepathy,
arrived with scarcely a wait and,
greeting her warmly,
drew her away and hustled her away
to an empty castle in the lands beyond infinity....
Debbie &
Card Game)

. . .
Out in the magick studio garden . . .
Elves, Imps and Pixies seemed,
momentarily, to be living a charmed life,
a life of fortune and plenty.
The Goblin and the Gremlin
sat down on the lawn to partake
of a frugal breakfast picnic.
They were puzzled by how this could be possible,
the Elves were exemplary spend thrifts.
They visited the Witch to ask for a reason,
the reason which formed the foundation
of the question.
She was unsure, but argued that the Elves,
Imps and Pixies had a secret treasure trove
which they safeguarded rigorously.
Only they and the Ghosts were privy to this hideaway.
No whisper, no private conversation was heard to the contrary.
The Unicorn came and went,
the Dragon slept and the Ogre had not observed
hordes of gold pieces and coins when he
tripped over the artificial cave in the garden.
The Flower Faeries perched upon it,
Royalty treated it as a throne and,
the Owl occasionally slept on the roof,
should the birds of Rhiannon not be singing atop it....
Debbie &
Card Game)

. . .
Out in the magick studio garden . . . |
Elves were playing football,
the Imps were playing bowls.
The Flower Faeries were brushing
and grooming a disinterested Unicorn.
In the distance could be seen
the Pixies "doing" gym.
The Dragon was conversing with the Wizard
and the Witch, who had concocted a brew.
From the cauldron rose the perfume
of mimosa and roses, geranium and hyacinth
and sandalwood too.
The which drifted and wafted
through garden, through the house,
lifting the spirits of all those already
busy and those still asleep.
The mice in the attic sniff snuffled about.
If listened intently, (being awake),
I could hear the flurry and scurrying
of these unwanted guests.
The dogs were, without doubt,
below stairs, in the warm kitchen.
The cats were most probably in the Library, lying before the unlighted
I'd been shocked awake by the commotion of Imps charging up the
Unable to rest, I had bathed and dressed,
and now ready to meet the inevitable
rigours of the day....
Debbie &
Card Game)

. . .
Out in the magick studio garden . . .
the silence of early morning,
a Faerie settled 'neath the Oak.
A beauty beyond telling,
a contemporary Helen of Troy....
As the dawn broke,
the garden creatures awoke,
stretched and blinked,
"Good morrow t'ye all?!"
And the Faerie sat 'awatching,
sizing up Act 1, Scene 1.
When her presence was finally noticed,
the creatures gasped and stopped
mid-sentence in their daily routines.
The stranger Faerie smiled,
her magnetic eyes half-closed.
And if one looked beyond
and beneath that smile?
The answer, dear friends,
you'll have tomorrow....
Debbie &
Blog by Pedro Panhoca, our Brazilian game development partner
Enjoy his full
blog @
Dean Foster.
American writer of fantasy and science fiction. His name
does not sound so familiar in the genre of Science Fiction novels, and
is best known for his
screenplays. Born on November 18, 1946, he graduated in political
science and an MFA from the University of California and currently
resides in Prescott, Arizona, with his wife.
One of his best-known fantasy works is the Spellsinger series, in which
a young musician is summoned to a world populated by talking creatures,
where his music allows him to do real magic, whose effects depend on
the lyrics of the songs he performs (whose results are unpredictable).
He was also the ghostwriter for the original novelization of Star Wars,
which had been credited only to George Lucas. Foster was later
announced as the author of the novelization of Star Wars: The Force
Awakens, plus others from the Star Wars franchise.
was awarded the Grand Master award from the International Association
of Media Tie-In in 2008.
Many of
Foster's works have a strong ecological element to them, often with an
environmental touch. Their villains witness defeat because of their
lack of respect for other exotic species or for seemingly innocuous
parts of their surroundings. This can be seen in such works as
Midworld, a story about a planet that is essentially a large rain
In these and other books, Foster usually devotes a large part of his
story to descriptions of alien environments, of strange worlds, and
the coexistence of their flora and fauna. The cover art and back
cover (depending on the particular edition) which were created by Peter
Andrew Jones references these very aspects.
Mr Jones,
creator of hundreds of book cover art paintings for science fiction and
fantasy and role play games books, was certainly
the best choice for Midworld. His technique of uniting ecology with
futurism (neoecology?) can be seen in the recurrent fauna of hybrid
animals attached to the flora - more similar to what we still have on
Earth - both found in books by other great writers such as Charles G.
Finney , Fredric Brown, Larry Niven, and which I hope to review in
In Midworld,
Peter Andrew Jones also innovates by not using the well-known reptilian
beings present in many books by Larry Niven or Steve Jackson, but a
lion next to a hunter, in the middle of a very "green" environment. The
landscape while
providing the comfort of nature also serves to highlight the combatants
who face a, classic, monster with tentacles. It marvelously combines
both action and
harmony. Other creations of these interesting hybrids can also be seen
in stories by Pierre Boulle and Brian Davis - just to name a few to
review. |
Therefore, creative science
fiction goes far beyond spaceships and laser weapons. And that Mr Jones
gets a lot, and always has!

Finally, the sun is upon the studio!
The Stretton Hills.
In all their glory.

. . .
Out in the magick studio garden . . .
answer to the question of the Elves,
Pixies and Imps is still blowing in the gusting wind
ripping through the garden.
The Flower Faeries clung fiercely
to a trusty rock or stone.
The damp and chill crept inexorably
through their diminutive frames.
The Ogre felt hard done by.
He'd been flooded out of house and home, and worse,
his sacred breakfast parlour beneath the aged Oak.
The Elves and Pixies were in the mood for tricks,
(no treats).
High jinks and their own idea of fun,
of playing games.
They'd been unable to decide upon
the course most agreeable to all....
The Stoat, the Weasel and the Mole,
between them, turned on the water to powerful.
One and all, they held the hose,
directed it at the "little people."
These artful nuisances found, themselves swept away,
finally coming to rest at the wooden garden fence....
Debbie &
- details in next newsletter.
This to be added shortly.

. . .
Flower Faeries were ecstatic,
for an appointment had been made with,
the tip top Faerie designer of stylish wardrobes.
The Witch and the Wizard were perfecting
the architecture of a brand new fashion house
to be built by the premier Elfin construction company....
The Unicorn, this morning, was to receive
the usual grooming,
dusted in bronze glitter with turquoise-studded
mane and tail.
The Weasel, Stoat and Mole
had washed their faces and combed their fur,
the Toad, the Frog and Water Rat
were swimming, hell for leather, round the pond.
A Hedgehog had joined the company,
a slow-moving, calm-tempered soul.
A most welcome addition to the residents and the garden.
The Elves, Imps and Pixies were strumming
their mandolins and guitars.
Their sense of rhythm and of volume
continued along the road of - disastrous....
The Ogre had just surfaced,
temper comme çi, comme ça.
Arriverderci tranquilità should anything occur
to upset the apple cart....
Debbie &
- details in next newsletter.
This to be added shortly.

. . .
has come to our ears by bush telegraph that,
the imperious Faerie, from touchdown,
had created holy hell.
Cane in hand, she rampaged, hither and yon,
flicking viciously any plant, flower,
creature which impeded her progress....
Her expression supercilious, lips curled,
forehead creased, nostrils flared, hair tangled.
The sight boded ill.T'was nastiness personified.
The few hardy creatures which dwelled in the lands,
burrowed deep underground, issuing forth only
when the Faerie was elsewhere occupied.
The Faerie declared herself Empress of these lands.
Castles were built and verdant common land
was fenced to create vast estates , privately owned.
The Empress felt desirous of possessing a collection
of jewelery designed for a personal collection,
to include tiaras and belts, rings and necklaces,
chokers and ear rings, broaches, so on and so forth.
The designers were top of the tree skilled.
The work would take days and weeks,
months to deliver. So -
to keep herself from thinking,
fretting and worrying, the Empress Faerie
ordered wardrobes of clothes.
Last, but not least, she employed staff:
Housekeepers, Cooks, Maids in Waiting, gardeners,
Men at Arms, Bodyguards, Butlers and housemaids,
cleaners, serving staff , a Private Secretary -
ooh la la....
the list covered reams and reams of papyrus!!
Over the course of that notable Faerie Land year,
the Lands were attacked by pirates, robbers and wreckers.
The Empress's armies fought and won the early battles.
However -
battle by battle the pirates learned their winning tactics
and, adopted wily, underhand tactics of their own.
The grand finale must arrive at some point, meanwhile,
Faerie Empress,
Debbie &
- details in next newsletter.
This to be added shortly.

. . .
the vanquishing of Celestri the garden rested
in serene equanimity, celestial beatitude....
The creatures of the night crept silently to and fro,
anxious to obviate disturbing their friends.
In the wood, the covens of Witches forgathered.
A fanfare of bugles heralded the arrival of,
the Faeries of the wood and their
Tsarina - Queen?!
The Unicorn, creature of myth, creature of legend,
galloping flash lighteningly 'cross the glittering skies.
The Dragon flew with him when realisable.
Their portraits were translucent paintings
imprinted indelibly, rainbow-tinted silent movies in 4-d ....
The Queens of the Cloud Lands,
each cloud formation represented,
drove chariots drawn by magickal elementals
through Universes ad infinitum....
Through worlds without end they journeyed,
through adventures,
through play,
through endeavour,
through sweat, toil, travail....
Debbie &
- details in next newsletter.
This to be added shortly.

. . .
the Witch and the Wizard, too,
had been taken in by the indubitably, unfaerie Faerie....
She had not stopped there for,
though transformed by the Witch,
by magick into pebble-like construct,
she would astound the garden residents
by the powers she possessed.
In the still of the night, sotto voce,
unnoticed, the Faerie, Celestri,
was transformed once more
into her imperious self.
Her anger and desire for vengeance
were uncontainable.
She knew of no spells to cast upon
these odious garden creatures
that could succeed in soothing her wounded pride.
When daybreak broke, she quit the garden,
voyaging far away to an island where she'd be alone,
uninterrupted to research
the contemporary spells in
her up-to-date spell book....
Debbie &
- details in next newsletter.
This to be added shortly.

. . .
sundown the veil of concealment had fallen and,
the news of the day had spread like wildfire.
The saturnine faced engine had, seemingly,
lost his mechanical reason and,
instead of coming into land,
for onward progression by rail,
had continued to pelt through the air
without stopping. Thus,
no passenger could alight
and none could board.
At the end of the day the Station Master
buried in bad tempered words....
The Witch could do aught,
the Wizard was attending the Congress of Wizards,
taking place on the Isle of Annwn.
The Flower Faeries were miniature spitfires, however,
they were tiny and not possessed of the means to act.
the Dragon mustered his extended family
and hatched a plan for immediate use.
They formed themselves into an attack formation,
and launched themselves into the windy ether.
Traveling like greased lightening,
they caught up with the train, surrounded it,
halted it and grasped the carriages
'twixt their sharp- pointed teeth.
More slowly, they reversed and flew homeward,
where the engine was chastised
and banned from the garden.
It's replacement took no time at all to arrive
and time will tell, also, its modus operandi....
Debbie &
- details in next newsletter.
This to be added shortly.

. . . |
Owl yawned,
shook his feathers
and in sailor's gait mode,
waddled along the branch
to his hole in the tree.
He had had an exhausting night's work
seeking prey a good supper and
early morning snack.
Sleep was all he needed now and,
the warmth of his home.
From the hole in the tree issued a squawk
and a cloud of Owl feathers.
A family of crows had usurped his snug home and,
by the sounds of it, the Owl was determined to fight
The garden residents, curious,
crowded round the Oak, the Elves
climbing up to the Owl's hole,
the Flower Faeries hovering a way's away from it.
Was there anything left of the crows, one wondered?
Sometime later,
still no sign....
Oh dear, gee wiz,
oh deary, deary me....
Debbie &
Working "En Plein Air" in the
garden Yesterday.
Nature intervened . . . . . . !
New painting for upcoming faerytale book.
Plus leaves and twig !

. . .
hues of pink, gold and violet.
Dawn had broken,
spreading its paintily aura over The Land of
Myths, Fantasy and Legend....
As though a curtain had been unclosed,
from out of the clouds,
the Unicorn's mesmeric outline
could be distinguished.
The Dragon was far afield,
atop the highest of high hills,
with views which extended
to the borders of magick.
The Witch poked her long nose into
her book of moth eaten spells.
Where was that one, single worthwhile choice?
She came upon the evidence
that a page had been ripped out.
Nifty fingers had discovered
it's whereabouts and had
stripped out this little gem of a spell.
The Witch was incandescent.
Those opprobrious Elves....
Debbie &
Working "En Plein Air" in the
Sometimes . . . . . . natures
intervenes . . . . . . !
New painting for upcoming faerytale book.
Plus leaves and twig !

. . .
Spider and the Mouse were aloft
in the attic, playing dominoes
with a set of tiny, specially adapted
domino pieces.
The Fly was too impatient
to stay put for 1 second.
The wainscoting had been replaced, however,
holes had already been gnawed in the new wood.
This morning the Elves had taken
buses to the market,
the Witch having hired them
and the Wizard paid....
The Imps and the Pixies had refused to participate,
preferring to hit the high life,
play Bowls or some such.
The Cook was ecstatic.
Her kitchen was safe.
Safe for several hours or so, that is.....
The Flower Faeries having groomed the Unicorn,
were now threading his mane and tail
with magickal, colourful, Harlequin ribbons.
A faint sound of a musical instrument being played,
blew in the wind through the breakfast room window.
A parade, an itinerant, a Fantasy character?
Che sera, che sera, sera....
Debbie &
Extract from
this month's
"Snap Deals"
for June on classic pieces - good for 30 days only.
Get them before they're gone . . . . .

. . .
Others had other activity
of more interest . . . .
Sword Fish aeroplane buzzed overhead.
Catkins shivered in the early morning mist.
The Wizard was alone, his forgetful friend 'a snoring,
released from the anguish of having to learn
to be Wizard-like....?!
The Goblin and the Gremlin were shadow boxing for fun.
The Elves, Imps and Pixies were practicing pea-shooting.
The aerial panorama was replete with peas, a veritable
picture of Contemporary Art.
The Dragon was conversing
with a Unicorn in his element,
undergoing a brushing down and grooming
by the Flower Faeries, who,
were threading his mane with dried flowers,
crystals of violet and his tail with streamers of gold.
The Witch stirred her cauldron,
muttering magick spells beneath her breath and,
from the cauldron there issued misty moist
telepathic messages for passage around the Globe.
The Toad, the Weasel and the Water Rat
were testing the water of the garden pond.
The late Spring sun gradually flowered into warmth and
the day was delightfully all that one could ask....
Debbie &
More manuscript letters from
upcoming Faery Tales book.

And, got a
bot distracted,
while drawing them,
by events outside the studio . . .
crack, a split, and the bark of the Oak
was splintered, torn asunder from its right royal trunk.
The translucent outline of an imperiously elegant
Faerie emerged through the fractured,
impasto-textured bark of the tree....
As she fluttered her wings
and straightened her gown,
the Faerie Land aristocrat became animate,
came to life - magick!!
The Faerie was apparelled in
an ankle-length robe, composed of
slithers of bark, new leaves and
dazzlingly yellow gold mid-summer sunbeams.
Her nose was Roman, her lips thin, unsmiling.
Her expression was one of imperious punctiliousness.
The Flower Faeries smiled sweetly
and perched dutifully near,
the Elves, Imps and Pixies sidled close,
bowed and shot into the house.
The Toad, the Frog and the Water Rat
buzzed off to the Witch who could dish out compliments,
talk platitudes and obstruct any attempt at instantaneous,
high handed - and outside interference....
The Ghosts, ghostly Wolves and Wolverines
glided round and round and about,
waiting for the Ogre to spoil the scenario
and rewrite the plot.
The Queen of Faerie Land and
the Queen of the Woodlands,
messaged in panic by means of telepathy,
arrived with scarcely a hold up and,
greeting her warmly,
drew her away, hustling her quick to
an empty castle in the lands beyond world's end....
Debbie &
Started designing manuscript
letters for our upcoming Faery Tales book.

It meant
researching past influences,
but it proved a bit more difficult
than I'd envisaged. . .
up to the attic yesterday evening,
I encountered the Elves sitting in the stairs.
They were reading my boyhood copies
of the Look and Learn magazine, Eagle, Swift
and Robin and Caspar the Ghost comics.
They have very evidently purloined them
from the glass-fronted cupboard, where
I kept them in pristine condition,
to be kept safely, securely, for memory's sake.
They would pay no attention
to my losing my temper so,
I went downstairs to fetch the Cook.
She abandoned her tasks,
assumed a determined expression and,
with difficulty, took the staircase to
the attic one stair at a time. Pause....
from above her voice ricocheted from wall to wall,
to the kitchens in the cellar and, reached me as I waited.
When next we met,
I knew that the problem
had been solved successfully to
my complete satisfaction....
Debbie &
He's back!
Scrounging again, from the
daily wildlife food table.
Modifications obviously still needed so small birds benefit!

. . .
Dragon had a first cousin, twice removed,
a resident of the Yellowstone National Park.
Invited, by telepathic messaging,
to stay in the garden,
he arrived in a swirl of silver grey wings
and a thrashing of his diamond studded,
thunderingly heavy tail....
The view from above
had demonstrated to him that,
there was no possibility of landing herein.
He skirted the garden,
the wood and hedgerow, and
came down to earth in a field left fallow.
The Ogre, perchance,
was hiking this morning,
accompanied by the Weasel,
the Stoat and the Water Rat.
Taken aback, they skeddadled - achoo
- and fast-walked towards
the tarmacked country road and,
standing fair square in the road,
commenced thumbing a lift.
Successfully hailing an open-roofed Cadillac car,
they piled in, the car accelerated and,
raced hell for leather to the next township,
the driver's destination....
Debbie &
CHALLENGE - stage 2"
Oil paint underpainting ready for laying-in of main elements.
Initial thumbnail characterisation
sketch of main character shown also.
Many a walk around the magick studio garden will be needed . . . . .

And . . .
There is
always much inspiration
to be had for such a scene, when . . .
. . . for a break in my work schedule,
I took a stroll in the garden,
the Ghosts bade me a whispered "How goes it today,"
and coasted blithely through the breakfast room window
and from there....???
From the breakfast room door to the Oak,
the Ogre was not discernible.
No groundsheet, no picnic.
What was the reason?
Where was the Witch?
A shout from the wood announced
the approach of the Elves,
the Imps and the Imps and -
the Witch carrying her spell book and wand.
Tail end Charlie, the Ogre,
weighed down by the Witch's cauldron.
The Flower Faeries were late this morning,
their tardiness explained by the indisposition of the Unicorn,
though his malady would require several weeks of nursing.
'Twas not until eventide that the Dragon landed and,
when the night creatures took centre stage,
the garden was jam packed....
Debbie &
After a intense day of work,
decided to take a walk around town.
Sheela Na Gig, a quasi-erotic stone carving on the local church.
Situated on the north face of the building over an old Norman doorway
it may be from a 12th century chapel that stood on the site -
So much history in such a small town . . . . .

. . .
Out in the
magick garden . . . .
on earth?
An invasion, of ancient and olden day characters,
stretching back through time.
Soldiers, sailors, airmen, ladies, gentlemen,
slaves and servants, scholars, illiterates,
common folk, adventurers, stay-at-homers, strangers....
The resident Ghosts and Spectres,
taken aback, drifted - outcasts -
t'wards the woods.
The ghostly Werewolves
and Wolverines,
fangs bared,
Elves, Imps and Pixies pressed ever-closer,
curiosity winning over any stray feeling
of scaredness or fear.
The Goblin and Gremlin ambled into the fray,
waving lavender-scented kerchiefs,
as one had done of yore.
The Witch had summoned the Unicorn,
the Flower Faeries and the Owl,
and, throwing duties, schedules, guilt to the wind,
Debbie &
"The Magician out of Manchuria"
New Limited Edition Print release.
Newly de-archived this week.
Only available by direct e-mail
Go HERE to order >

. . .
Out in the magick garden,
unruly behavior seems to be occurring . . . .
Dragon was overbearing, arrogant this morning.
The Witch had, by magick, transformed his colouring
and he 'twas presently a rainbow of hues.
The Ghosts and Spectres,
the ghostly Wolves and Wolverines
moved in silence beside him,
awaiting a timely moment to bring him to heel,
show him who was boss....
The Witch watched from afar,
the Wizard from his magick carpet.
The Elves, Imps and Pixies
from the tennis courts
and the Ogre slept on.
The Witch contemplated the Dragon,
summoned the Unicorn and
explained succinctly what she wished him to do.
The Unicorn munched thoughtfully
upon the moist, dew-covered grass
of the lawn.
The Dragon walked the cat walk,
up and down the garden,
breathing small strokes of fire and gusts of smoke.
As he passed the Unicorn,
he passed too close to home and,
knocked the astonished equine to one side.
The Unicorn responded.
Responded in kind.
The Dragon would lament the punishment
and behave for a smidgeon of time...
Debbie &
Peter |
- details in next newsletter.
This to be added shortly.

. . .
Out in the magick garden . . .
dandy had usurped the Witch's position
as the person of the utmost influence, eminence....
Nobody knew from whence he had come,
how long he would stay,
or where he presently resided.
He partied every night - somewhere....
picnicked, rode, hunted, punted and kayaked.
The Elves, Imps and Pixies
found themselves in a de facto pickle.
What to do next?
What path to take to reinstate and consolidate
their no 1 status in the garden -
and environments beyond?
The Ogre surfaced tardily from
his house in the wood and
eyes crossed, pulling his hair, he
stumbled across the lawn,
passed the Oak and bedded down
upon the tennis court?!
The dandy, tennis racket, towel,
in a designer haversack,
arrived to play a knock about with him,
himself and him.
Angrily, he smashed the tennis racket on
the unforgiving hardness of the garden tennis court,
turned and kicked the Ogre, oohps, Egan, ouch.
The Ogre, sharp awakened,
hit the roof and that was that.
The dandy exited the garden
with quite extraordinary speed....
Debbie &
- details in next newsletter.
This to be added shortly.

. . .
Outside the magick studio . . . .
fish in the pond were jumping,
a rare event, which, lured curious spectators
to stand and stare.
From the stable yard came the sound
of hooves upon cobbles,
the barking of dogs, the revving of an engine.
My sister, as per usual, had slammed on the brakes,
bringing her Aston Martin to an ill-considered,
inappropriate, stop.
My horse, on its way to his morning canter,
galloped, 'cross the wide open spaces
of field and moorland,
meadow and marshland,
pictorial landscape,
shied, and, braking free from his leading rein, bolted.
He would return in good time,
when he had worked off his angst....
The Elves, Imps and Pixies were busy
climbing the Oak tree,
swinging from branch to branch,
racing along them?!
The Owl, unamused,
was unable to rest and,
needs must,
retired into his hole in the Oak,
to bed down and sleep.
The Witch had, early this morning,
flown westward to spend a day
at the golden sandy beach,
accompanied by the Flower Faeries,
the Unicorn, Weasel, Stoat and Mole.
To each had been lent by the Witch,
a newly polished broom with
a thickly cushioned saddle cloth
upon which to ride.
In their absence, the Lord Edric and his lady,
the Faerie, Godda, laid claim to the garden.
They, and their retinue
spread blankets over the lawn and
picnicked to the sound of harpsichord music....
Debbie &
May |
- details in next newsletter.
First offerings >
Unique Artist-signed, mint condition, original publisher's / printer's
1970s onwards.
single sheets.
Can be dedicated to order.

. . .
Outside the magick studio . . . .
Toad and the Frog and the Water Rat
were "Leap Frogging" over low obstacles in the garden.
The Flower Faeries flew beside alongside,
and (seized by) temptation,
alighted upon their backs,
riding bareback, so to speak,
lacking only a Faerie rope lasso.
The Witch was in the mood to play
a rôle in their (play). So....
A spell she conjured
and magickal magick there appeared,
a lasso per Faerie, and a (cowgirl hat)
- naturally!
Faerie-sized cowgirl boots,
a non-bullet bearing pistol each.
The Elves, Imps and Pixies rummaged through
their collection of Medieval weaponry.
From the bottom of the heap,
came long bows and blunt swords.
T'was a vibrant, "over the moon,"
Debbie &
Opening soon.
Unique Artist-signed, mint condition, original publisher's / printer's
1970s onwards.
Can be dedicated to order.

. . .
damp, dewy ground fog lay just above the lawn,
twisting and curling, as stirred by the wind.
The feeling seeping through one was,
"Somewhere there be, malevolent creatures
come to haunt this convivial garden...."
One such creature of which I knew nothing, was a Calygreyhound?!
Surprising, the Ogre eventually "hit town."
Placing himself upon the groundsheet beneath the Oak,
he seized knife, spoon and fork and
Set about the consuming of
his delectable breakfast.
The Unicorn appeared, as did the Dragon,
the Flower Faeries, the Goblin, the Gremlin,
the Frog, Toad and Water Rat, the Weasel,
Stoat and Mole, and, at the end of the queue,
a Fantastical six legged goat?!
I remained in the garden
till the dawn broke over the hills,
then re-entered the house and,
seated in the Library, perused a tome about magick,
mixing potions and casting negative and positive spells.
Debbie &
Initial thumbnail sketch to expore characterisation of main character
who will inhabit an as
yet unrevealed scene, waiting to reveal itself to me
at such time as the mystical magic of creativity uncovers its existence.
Many a walk around the magick studio garden will be needed . . . . .

had woven a faint outline over the garden,
of a veiled Elysian other world that,
though hidden from our eyes, existed around us.
A betwixt and between, to us, alien world....
This unrevealed country waited serenely to
reveal itself at such time as we understood
its mystical magic.
The Elves, Imps and Pixies
preferred a whiz bang existence,
a 'don't stop until you've upset
as many creatures as you can -
now routine. Then,
on to the next thing, immédiatement.
Ne restez pas lá. Faire quelche chose....
The Flower Faeries were perched
on flower petal seats,
threading Faerie rainbow coloured beads
to enhance their captivating Faerie-made
furbelows and accessories.
The Unicorn appeared above them,
his great wings spread wide.
Alighting upon the lawn,
he dropped his head
and commenced to chomp grass.
The Flower Faeries let him be for some little time,
then approached him, armed with
the early morning grooming tools.
For today they had chosen
Champagne Pink for his body.
For his mane and and tail,
Chinese silver and Chinese violet.
The grooming complete,
they recommenced their beading,
the Witch standing beside them too,
from time to time, suggested style, design,
bead shape and colour of the thread.
The Goblin and the Gremlin
built a fire for themselves and,
set themselves the task of beating Fantasy Land silver,
tin and copper into delectable jewellery.
Loathe to re enter the house,
nevertheless, I did and sat down
to write screeds upon the scenes I had seen
in the magic garden....
Debbie &
I hesitated for awhile about this.
What happens, if someone asks you to do a commissioned painting, and .
. .
You realise, that the subject matter
and whole concept, touches the very base
of your root influences, and a major work of art from history?
You remember, being just 10 years old
sitting in front of that huge painting
at London's Tate Gallery
on a Sunday morning
and pondering >
"will I ever be able to paint something that amazing,
when I grow up?'
A career happens, you get thrown into whatever you do.
But, always, always, lurking at the back of your mind
is . . . . THAT painting . . . . by THAT artist.
Hmmnnn . . . .
I've given myself a whole year to do this painting.
But - how do you create something that is . . . .
well, on the one hand, rooted in this OTHER image
and yet, has to be MINE not HIS as a creation?
And what if I screw-up, can't do it?!
And, what if I CAN?!
It begins (a veritable storm of creative challenge) . . . . . .
To celebrate this project's beginning, the weather too is stormy

storms had set in once again, once again.
Hail stones as big as pebbles, a downpour
to knock you over, easy as pie....
The residents of the garden knew not
quite what to do, where to hide.
The Ogre's home in the wood was flooded,
however, the Mole, Weasel and Stoat
found and rock formation which
would protect them and shelter them,
sort of OK, so to speak?!
The Toad, the Frog and the Water Rat,
were not quite so anti,
these antediluvian weather conditions.
They turned their faces to the heavens,
stuck out their tongues and,
thoroughly enjoyed being soaked
right through to their bones....
Debbie &

The Gaer Stone (or, fortress
The view across the Stretton Gap.

This morning, the sun finally
though the garden was strangely quiet . . . .
I went out to bid good morning
to the garden residents and the Witch....
A faint mist drifted lightly over flower beds and lawn,
weaving intricate designs, rising and falling.
The Witch, at her cauldron,
was conversing with the Wizard 'bout
this and that and t'other, 'bout nothing at all?!
The Goblin and the Gremlin were swimming
in the pond and I could hear the dulcet voice of the Mermaid
as she sat beside "her" pond within the wood.
The Owl was droopy eyed,
the crows had not yet arrived and,
the birds of Rhiannon were with the goddess/Faerie Queen
somewhere far distant, in a magickal, mystical land.
The Elves, Imps and Pixies were playing
Pixie bowls on the tennis court and
the Ghosts and ghostly Werewolves
padded silently about the lawn.
The ghostly Werewolves were absent,
as were the Mole, Weasel and Stoat, the Frog,
Toad and Water Rat, the forgetful Wizard and ??
The appearance of the Cook to fetch me had an additional effect.
With a suddenness unexpected, the garden burst its seams
with the inpouring of tiny Faeries, fantastical creatures,
the Unicorn, the garden Dragon and a visiting Brownie,
the Elder Elf and his, now-constantly present, nurse....
Debbie &
"BIR MING GUM" - It's "Bostin"!
(acknowledgment to my Brummie fans)
Memories . . . .
Saw this while walking past BBC Birmingham at the mailbox today.
But - it's a loooooong time (back) since I shared a studio with these
(at BBC white city in London) - how I miss those 3am deadlines (not)!
Four and a half years freelancing for the BBC back in the mid-80s.
I helped to save the Earth from the Tripods and attacked a Dalek
(it annoyed me) and I bet you never knew . . . they were made of
(I won't tell you how I know that, I might get arrested).

Back then . . .
I'd have been happy if . . .
mist had blotted-out my 3.00am deadlines
and weekends battling my way through . . .
well, someone had to help
the 2 Ronnies fly on a magic carpet?
And, who else would you trust
to have them walk up the yellow brick road?
Definitely, there were times
I wish the mist had descended
and engulfed me,
Others too,
are sometimes . . . .
actually engulfed by mist it seems . . . .
mist had (descended),
the landscape blotted out
though the trees in the wood were opaque
watercolour prints.
Rising early this morning,
I showered, dressed and shaved,
went downstairs to the breakfast room.
Leaving the French doors open,
I wandered out into the garden.
The lawn was damp with dew,
the earth decidedly muddy.
In the pond, the Elves were momentarily abluting,
splashing water at each other and upsetting the fish.
The Ogre slept, the Witch read her spell book, and
the Goblin and Gremlin were trimming their beards.
Hardly visible though they were, one sensed the presence of
the Ghosts and Spectres, the ghostly Wolves and Wolverines.
The Wizard, riding bareback upon
the magickal Unicorn,
guided the creature into land
beneath the Oak tree.
I mosied through the garden,
entered the wood and withdrew!
The leaves were drip dripping so copiously
that I should soon have found myself
as wet as the Elves.
The Ogre surfaced eventually and,
collated by the Witch,
carried her cauldron to the kitchen garden
where she had only just lit the fire,
momentarily scarce burning.
When the Mole, Stoat and Weasel,
the Frog, Toad and Water Rat
had entered Act 1, scene 2,
I reentered the house to
commence the many varied articles
demanded by my agent....
Peter &
Excellent start to a research trip jaunt.
A sharp, almost caustic assault on the eyes.

Caustic soda scrub a dub.
Repeat …. or,
crystal soda? |
latter, the Witch decided.
She was certainly perspiring.
The cooling liquid dribbled down her chin.
She dabbed her temple with a
an embroidered kerchief, and
fanned herself, rearranged her gown.
She yearned for a deck chair in the Ice House,
t'would assuage her nervous system
and the distressing breathlessness.
Dragon fans resembling windmills,
purred lightheartedly,
zestfully on and on and on,
cooling the sleeping Dragon,
the Ogre, the Wizard and
the Wizard's forgetful friend....
The Flower Faeries wove baskets in the shade,
into which they would arrange
sunbeams, sweet scented flower petals,
rainbow-coloured day-dreams and sycamore whirls.
Scented sachets for drawers
and to place beneath a bodice.
The Witch's cauldron exuded luxuriant odours,
enhanced an hundredfold when she sprinkled
herbs and flowers, both fresh and dried,
upon the surface of this magickal brew.
The Gremlin, the Goblin and the Mole,
the Stoat and the Weasel breathed (deep),
filling their lungs, through and through and
the Elves, Imps and Pixies played
Hayden's Water music and the (soft music) of Ireland....
Peter &
Interesting cobweb structure.
Definitely worth considering as inclusion in a painting.
Maybe, a Faery, trapped in it . . . . . . . ?
Maybe it's be an image of calamity?

Often, one observation,
merged with another,
gives rise to an idea for a painting!
Jane was paying us a visit,
which threatened to be a lengthy,
La La Land - like dream....
She never stopped moving,
adjusting her cowgirl outfit and twirling her pistols.
From time to time she fired one or t'other.
When the Witch gave her what for,
she paid not the least heed, and,
by dusk, the garden residents felt that
they were walking on thin ice....
The Wizard was traveling,
with forgetful friend in tow and
the Dragon and the Unicorn were streaming
'cross the skies, 30,000 feet above.
Consulting her spell book,
the Witch was delighted to discover the oh! Gosh answer.
She assembled the ingredients,
tossed them into her cauldron,
and gently brought the sweet and sour potion to the boil,
then simmered it for one Fantasy world hour.
The words of the spell were liltingly musical,
easily rememberable.
The Witch threw herself heart and soul
into bringing to a close,
Calamity Jane's interminable presence.
Elle a réussi!
Peter &
Inspirational cloud formations.
And, my work is really just play
(you probably guessed that by now . . . .)

And outside the studio,
others are also learning to play . . . .
Elves, Imps and Pixies were learning to play,
the Chicago and the Mississippi Delta Blues.
The Imps and Pixies seemed to revel in the rhythms,
the Elves much preferred the faster pace of Hillbilly music.
The Weasel, Stoat and Mole were their most severe critics,
commenting upon every one of their renditions.
The Flower Faeries favoured Edith Piaf or the 1930's crooners,
the Ogre was tone deaf and the Frog, Toad and Water Rat
reveled in listening to rousing
sea shanties and songs of the water....
The Witch and the Wizard liked jazz,
Stravinsky, Prokofiev,
anything non-rhythmic!
the Ghosts listened constantly
to the composers of their day.
I, myself, listened to to more or less anything,
depending upon the particular mood that I am in....
Peter &
Chilly first thing, but had to
stop to catch these.
More carvings at
Shrewsbury railway station.
I wish I could find out more about them
Anybody know?

Chilly back at the studio too,
apparently . . .
a soul in the garden caught a cold.
A chill, yes, athlete's foot, yes.
A snuggle, cough, sneeze .... neit!
The ground was boggy, the Oak dripped,
the grass was perilously slippery
and the path a skating rink.
The residents treasured the eerie light,
the mythical, magickal aura,
the quality of foreverness,
beginningless, endless....
They donned antislip shoe soles, gloves,
or, if they could , sou'westers, raincoats,
galoshes and goggles.
When I went out to greet them,
the weather was amiable,
all-encompassing good natured,
Peter &
Heroes &
book finally printed.
website updated now!)
A stormy week, of high energy . . . . . .

Sometimes I think,
one's own energy,
begets external energy?
storms had set in once again,
once again.
Hail stones as big as pebbles,
a downpour to knock you over,
easy as pie....
The residents of the garden knew
not quite what to do, where to hide.
The Ogre's home in the wood was flooded, however,
the Mole, Weasel and Stoat found and rock formation
which would protect them and shelter them,
sort of OK, so to speak?!
The Toad, the Frog and the Water Rat,
were not quite so anti,
these antediluvian weather conditions.
They turned their faces to the waterlogged clouds,
stuck out their tongues and,
thoroughly enjoyed the experience of being soaked
right through to their skin, right through to their bones....
Peter &
More Heroes &
book pages printed.
update the website!)

And so, |
garden had been vacated by
the varied visitors who had come and gone.
Who had nevertheless,
left behind an unexpungnable imprint
of their brief presence,
The garden residents met together to discuss
and, if possible, introduce, a garden visa, (my suggestion),
setting out clearly, the length of time t'was permissible
that they stay....
The Elves, Imps and Pixies were most satisfied,
as were the threesomes of Mole, Weasel, Stoat,
the Toad, the Frog and the Water Rat.
The Ogre would never have understood anything,
anyway, and the Flower Faeries usually escaped
to anywhere, elsewhere when the atmosphere
in the garden became too much to cope with.
The Witch was of the opinion that her presence was indispensable.
No thought ever entered her head that said otherwise.
Both she and the Wizard did travel the globe occasionally
and certainly visited those favourite places close to home.
The Wizard's forgetful friend must have an eye kept upon his wellbeing
and the Witches' coven met together each Fantasy world week .
Attending these meetings was sacrosanct unless,
an irrefutably justifiable and relevant excuse could be provided.
The Goblin and the Gremlin went their own way,
did their own thing, stuff the others....
And the Mermaid lived a solitary life
in the pond in the wood....
Peter &
More Heroes &
book pages printed.
1st, 2nd & 3rd sections complete.
Fold-out gatefolds still
to do.
May have to skip breakfast . . .
(and update the website!)

Not the only one to miss breakfast!
runaway steed had returned post haste,
having missed his breakfast, and thus,
his stamina had dissipated in short order.
Jealous, the Unicorn shook his head and whinnied,
changed his mind about feed and, gathering pace,
leapt over the garden fence and careered
'cross the fields at the rate of knots....
The Witch was left open mouthed,
bowled over, at the speed of events....
The Elves, Imps and Pixies, had watched from afar.
Now they got cracking and piled into their automobiles.
Both feet upon the accelerator,
they shot under the fence,
hit the country road without stopping,
turned right and raced?!
The Flower Faeries darted in the wake of
the Pixies's vehicle, a weird looking racing car,
to keep an eye on proceedings.
The Mole, Stoat and Weasel ate,
their breakfast meal hidden behind the Oak,
and the Ogre demolished a huge, huge repast -
more plentiful than his usual, and
fell asleep, allegro vivace....
Peter &
More Heroes &
book pages being printed.
1st section of three-section book almost complete.
So, a walk 'round the garden,
while the glue dries . . .
(and then update the website!)

Very important to pay close
lack of focus can lead to print errors.
Nothing more inclined to make me shriek
than printing back-to-back upside down!
What's that?
Shrieking from outside!
eagle has landed," the Gremlin shrieked.
"His wings have a spread from the Oak to the house."
The Goblin looked around to see for himself
and perceived that,
the eagle's shadow cast blotted out
the green colour of the lawn.
This king of birds balanced precariously atop the Oak,
before ruffling his feathers and once more taking off.
The crows had kept their distance whilst he was present.
When the coast was clear, they descended en masse,
disturbing the Owl with their crow call cacophony.
The Witch watched the proceedings,
her brain calculating the end result
should the crows not be silenced - pronto.
The magick potion in her cauldron could
cope with one more spell, so,
she uttered the appropriate words
and the crows were rendered mute.
The Owl got his sleep, the Ogre, too.
The Flower Faeries groomed the Unicorn
and the Elves, Imps and Pixies romped
through the garden and adjacent wood,
hopping, skipping, jumping through
the fields to the hills....
Peter &
Heroes & Villains
book (vol1) being printed.
A walk around the garden will have to wait,
even though the weather is balmy, enticing!

The scene in the garden
was charmingly picturesque.
Carnival day had dawned.
The weather was balmy . . . .
Fantasy creatures were holed up,
so to speak, laying out the outfits they had chosen
for to celebrate in style....
The Ogre had been taken aside by the Witch,
who was rummaging through his bedroom
"wardrobe on the floor,"
to find something elegant - and clean, to wear.
The Flower Faeries had spent 4 Faerie months and one half,
drawing sketches of the gowns they had designed,
to be finished by the Faerie dress designer's sewing elite.
The Ball would commence as the sun sank over the yard arm,
and late arriving guests turned away.
The atmosphere in the garden was electric
with the undercurrents of excitement.
T'was enough to create a backdrop of magickal sheet lightening,
which enhanced the rays of the moonshine and the Fantasy Land stars....
Peter &
Blog by Pedro Panhoca, our Brazilian game development partner
Enjoy his full
blog @
Floppy disk replacement
is certainly a weakness of this game. Because of a single line of
dialogue, at a certain point, you should change the floppy disk to read
it and then resume the previous game.
Unfortunately, the annoying
limit of 6 items of inventory, flat
writing and arcade sequences also hamper their gameplay.
The game is a combo of adventure and action. You, with your weapon -
the blaster - go wherever you want, talk to other characters, and dig
sites with an "action button" and an easy-to-use menu system. Another
innovative point is the anticipation that the game has managed to do in
gameplay. You can kill anyone at any time for any reason, and Game Over
will happen if you are arrested by the police, a very similar element
found in hit games like Fallout and GTA. Speaking of this last game, in
Omnicron Cospiracy there are also prostitutes and you can interact with
them, in a much softer way, as in Leisure Suit Larry.
Zygyzy's commentary posted on February 15, 2008 in a forum about this
game tells everything about Peter Andrew Jones, an artist who has
always been able to attract audiences through art, and art to the final
product: "I remember buying this game because of the final art of
Blog by Pedro Panhoca, our Brazilian game development partner
Enjoy his full
blog @
Omnicron Conspiracy is
an old science fiction game released for MS-DOS (but was also released
for Amiga), developed by First Star Software in 1989 from an original
idea by Jim Nangano and Jesse Taylor.
Played in single player mode (from a side perspective), the game was a
nice, though strange, typical science fiction adventure. A mix of Star
Trek and cyberpunk. In it you are a Star Police member assigned to
investigate the disappearance of an official colleague, as well as an
intrigue with drug cartels, intergalactic terrorism, and conspiracies
involving gigantic corporations.
(book completed)
All aspects completed in the production process.
Printing, cutting, sewing, binding, pressing, signing, numbering.

And so,
a Sunday break beckons,
and as if by coincidence . . .
veil of concealment lifted this morning,
to reveal the garden railway station,
whereat platform no 3, a train had arrived.
The 20 carriages and caboose were drawn
by a Saturnine-faced engine, which boded ill
for the office-bound or holiday-bound passengers....
The Weasel, the Stoat, the Toad and the Goblin,
the Gremlin boarded the train and sat
near the exit doors.
The doors slammed, a whistle blew,
a green flag was waved and,
clouds of smoke rose
from the blisteringly hot cab.
The train chugged into action,
slowly gathering speed,
before taking off so as to negotiate
the garden gates and fences.
It behove every vehicle to do this,
t'was the law and sensible!
As the train lifted skyward,
the Dragon flew in and a contretemps
was only averted by the skin of the teeth -
Cover your eyes,
shake your arms and legs,
breathe deep....
Peter &
(book completion)
Done - original drawing
now inserted.
Just need to wraparound the cover to complete the process.

Then . . .
time to party? |
Queen of the woodlands
was holding a garden party,
to which had been invited
the Fantasy celebrities, or, "names."
The dress was formal,
ball gowns for the ladies,
black tie and tails for the gentlemen.
The style choice of the garden Fantasy creatures
was oops a daisy novel.
The afternoon was flawless,
the surroundings irreproachable.
The food had been prepared in the royal kitchens
by nonpareil Master chefs.
The Queen was graciously hospitable,
the guests eager to be pleased,
the background music soothed
feelings of anxiety.
The whole experience perfetto.
Even tide, Owl time,
onset of tiredness.
One by one the celebrities called for their landaus,
coaches, carriages, or saddle horses.
Full stop....
Peter &

(book finishing)
Almost done - bookplate
now inserted.
Ready for the very last parts of the process.

And, luckily,
we've had no interruptions today,
others are busy with their own intentions . . . .
garden residents were partaking
of Faerie cappuccino,
a gift from the Flower Faeries
to those creatures who could drink it.
The Elves, Imps and Pixies had reason to celebrate.
They were preparing to journey forth
to that fantastical land called Iceland.
The Flower Faeries they expected to sort,
choose and pack, that apparel they were taking
to that cool, crispy clime.
They were to travel in a magickal
aeroplane built for speed and comfort.
No passports were required and
no luggage restrictions applied.
The aeroplane would stretch or contract
with the passengers therein.
The Witch, the Wizard,
his forgetful friend and the Ogre,
discussed 'mongst each other
all the things they would do, would achieve....
Peter &
(book finishing)
Cover now printed, ready
for folding and final presentation.

being the culmination of effort.
Meanwhile, out int he magic studio garden . . . .
Queen of the Wood and the Queen of the Witches
had joined forces to put paid to the antipathetic behaviour
of the Elves - and their cohorts.
The Witch and the Wizard, not keen on "that lot,"
were nevertheless inclined to support residents of the garden
'gainst imperious outsiders - whatever their standing.
And the same applied to their friends,
acquaintances and neighbours.
no steps could be taken without severe repercussions?...
Unbeknownst to us all, which boded ill,
the Empress of the Isles of Hades,
(renamed by Her Royal Highness),
was flying thisa way by chariot.
She'd be here in the garden as soon as soon could be.
Alas, alack, ah me, la la....
We of the garden, the house and the wood,
met and conferred as to what should be done.
The Ogre fell asleep, as did the Owl
and the Mermaid was not able
to remain out of water for too long.
The conference continued until the sun without heat,
set amidst pink clouds, in the purple, yellow, orange sky....
Peter &
Love these (gargoyles?) at
Shrewsbury railway station.
Never tire of looking at them.
Maybe I should incorporate them into a painting in some way?

thinking of incorporation
and invitations. . .
the drawing in of the sun
and the switch on of lights,
the Faerie had been invited to
every party in the garden diary.
She simpered, expressed her pleasure,
seemingly overwhelmed, embarrassed.
The garden residents thought only of
the cudos they'd enjoy(?)
Ah, ha....
The sun glittered like gold as it set,
sinking into the twilight zone,
afore rising elsewhere.
The nocturnal creatures made their entrance, and?
Full stop.
They met the true nature of the Faerie -
and, quite literally, felt the sensation, the feel of,
egg on their faces!
She was dancing upon the water of the pond,
uttering expletives and screeching with laughter.
The spells she cast were negativity personified.
The night creatures covered their ears
and buried their heads in the grass.
An atmosphere of chaos and disquietude filled the air and,
the fantasy creatures rushed back to their "homes."
The Witch was summoned by telepathy,
rushed back upon her broom and, forthwith,
commenced perusing her ancientist spell book.
Magari, she would uncover one to overcome
"that" Faerie's undesirability?!
Some time, much later , she struck lucky,
followed instructions, and
the undesirable one turned to rhinestones,
copper nuggets and pieces of eight....
Peter &
Blog by Pedro Panhoca, our Brazilian game development partner
Enjoy his full
blog @
"If he were
only a "good" or "creative" artist, Peter Andrew Jones would not have
represented the works of this great master of science fiction.
Alfred Elton van Vogt was a great Canadian science fiction writer. Born
in Winnipeg on April 26, 1912, he is considered part of the triad of
the best science fiction writers of this period, alongside Robert A.
Heinlein and Isaac Asimov.
He was one of the famous Sci-Fi writers of the 1940s, considered the
Golden Age. Like most writers, he began his career little by little
with small works published in magazines, but began to devote himself to
science fiction. In 1941 he left his job at the Canadian Department of
Defense and began to devote himself to writing full time. He produced a
large number of short stories and in the 1950s much of its production
was grouped into fixups (novels created from various short stories of
fiction that may or may not have been initially related or published).
In fact, this term was invented by van Vogt and began to be used in the
vocabulary of science fiction.
1944 he moved to Hollywood, California, and his writing also changed
because of the events of the time. After World War II he was deeply
shaken by the revelation of post-2nd WW totalitarian states.
Van Vogt's dreams were one of the main sources of ideas for his works.
During his life as a writer he could wake up every 90 minutes to record
what he had dreamed.
At the end of his life he already showed signs that he was no longer
following the evolution of science fiction, writing only one book,
dying in Hollywood on January 26, 2000 due to Alzheimer's disease.
A double-handed honor of beautiful coherent artwork with a cover that,
together with the text, takes the reader from this world to much wider
(book finishing)
Affixing endpaper.
Bet you never knew I did comics (once upon a time)?
St. Martins School of Art.
Created with fellow students, and sold at >
They Were, And Golden Eyed" bookshop in Soho.

One of my
earliest works,
exposed! No longer concealed.
sundown the veil of concealment had fallen and,
the news of the day had spread like wildfire.
The saturnine faced engine had, seemingly,
lost his mechanical reason and,
instead of coming into land,
for onward progression by rail,
had continued to pelt through the air without stopping.
Thus, no passenger could alight and none could board.
At the end of the day the Station Master buried in bad tempered
The Witch could do aught,
the Wizard was attending the Congress of Wizards,
taking place on the Isle of Annwn.
The Flower Faeries were miniature spitfires, however,
they were tiny and not possessed of the means to act.
the Dragon mustered his extended family
and together they hatched out a plan
for immediate effect, for immediate accomplishment.
They formed themselves into the pattern of an attack formation,
and launched themselves into the windy ether.
Traveling like greased lightening,
they caught up with the train, surrounded it,
halted it and grasped the carriages
'twixt their sharp pointed teeth.
Casually, they reversed and directed their compasses to point homeward.
The engine was chastised and banned from the garden.
Its replacement took no time at all to arrive
and its future modus operandi will reveal its attitude....
Peter &
(tea break!)
OK, OK, tea break it is,
I get the hint.
Just don't blame me, if the Squirrel gets
there first.

So, OK,
enough already,
about practical studio matters
(at least for the moment)
and there are momentary distractions
in the garden, to assist the event . . .
Flower Faeries
were grooming the Unicorn -
he was to travel 'cross the Channel
to visit a Unicorn princess?!
They had plumbed their creative imaginations
for a distinctive look/character.
Ça c'est drôle.... A vain attempt....
(especially since Unicorns don't have fingers?)
So, this episode fini,
t'was their skillful fingers which achieved
what their brains could not!!
The Unicorn was incandescent,
indeed, phosphorescent,
his hair painted with "Faerie lights,"
the colours of magickal, precious
and semi-precious jewels.
Mane and tail interwoven
with emeralds and tourmalines.
His hooves were burnished
with champagne and moonbeams and
upon his forehead - perfection!
- the Flower Faeries had glued,
a minuscule starlet tinted with azure blue
and rainbow violet....
Peter &

(Book creation)
50% there.
Gluing, of the end boards = always easy.
Gluing of the spine
however, is always (always) especially tricky.
Because . . it is a handmade item, so >
measuring things precisely mathematically = 0 (just doesn't work)
measuring by physically manipulating the spine until centred = works.
Takes longer to position and glue the spine than the rest of the book!

So, it always
close focus, concentration,
and one certainly does not want distractions,
or the whole work up to that point
can be ruined in a few moments.
Which is why the studio/workshop
is out of bounds to others,
it avoids . . . . .
Empress of The Isles of Hades had returned.
She had domiciled herself in our
original State Dining Room,
empty for eons and necessitous of,
contemporary paintwork, furniture,
carpets and curtains.
The lady lived unusually quietly,
unobtrusively, reading and jotting down
copious notes.
T'was likely a royal decree outlining the choices
she had compiled as Empress designate
of these Isles of Hades of the rules,
regulations, and the laws of her lands....
Unbeknownst to her, there existed a court,
an International Court of supreme judgement and power.
The judges who sat and debated round the clock were,
the elite of an already elite group of minds.
The Witch and the Wizard, the Unicorn, too,
paid an expeditious visit to their Chambers
on a formation of Lenticular clouds.
The judges returned with them,
traveling fleetly.
They arrived in a nanosecond, strode purposely
through the garden and,
approached the Empress Faerie in thunderous silence.
The impact of their stares, the
sensation of being punched,
must surely have caused the imperious one
to rethink her decisions.
It did not?!
The wind gusted to tsunami level,
the lightening blinded the judges,
the thunder exploded,
the rain hyperbolied to hail.
The lawn became a lake,
the garden emptied save by the Ghosts,
the ghostly Wolves and Wolverines,
the Owl and the Flower Faeries, under wraps!!
Such was the intensity,
the force of the storm that the
Empress Witch was swept through the garden
and the wood to the overflowing pond ,
wherein she was drowned.
No magick, no tricks could outwit that story's ending....
Peter &
A morning walk, before
extensive creativity erupts!

But beware .
. . . ,
as you never quite know
what will happen when you return to the studio
and the magic garden . . . . ! |
Pixies felt pixilated,
the Imps felt downsized.
And all for the sake of the Elves
self-aggrandising egos....
The self-denigrating section
of these multi-faceted characters,
mooched around the garden,
shoulders hunched, noses pointed south
as they stared at the grass.
The Flower Faeries flew above them
whispering kind words and blowing sweet nothings
to be heard solely through their ears.
The Unicorn stood quietly awaiting his grooming.
Today, he had been promised Emerald,
Rhine stone and Diamond mane
and tail decorations and a delicate violet,
body wash to provide a background to this "Bella figura."
The Dragon breathed scorn upon the Unicorn's choices
and demanded a skin cloak of tangerine sparkles.
The Flower Faeries obliged and the Witch approved.
The Wizard cast a spell especially designed
to provide a lasting memory
in the diverse minds of the garden's Fantastical Fantasy creatures....
Peter &
to work)"
The creative
binge continues; making books.
It is important to seal the inside of the spine area.
This gives added strength and security to the bend of the book.

Up to out
necks in workload,
but, we have help coming again!
Well, maybe . . . . ! |
river in full spate, after
a night of high wind,
donner und blizen!!
The Toad, the Water Rat, a vole and the Frog,
hopped and skipped and á la Fantasy creature mode,
performed Austrian dances, slapping their thighs and heels
all the while clasping the straps of their imaginary lederhosen
with imaginary thumbs?!
The Witch banged her cauldron,
the Flower Faeries sang, as did the birds of Rhiannon,
the crows, the Imps and the Pixies.
The Ogre drummed his feet,
the Owl locked his Tree house door and
the Magician played his violin and the Elves
rattled their tambourines.
The Imps and the Pixies, morning exercises in mind,
practised summersaults, cartwheels, back flips and,
as their grand finale, performed whizz bang gymnastics
and a Wheel barrow race?!
The audience clapped and hooted, shouted encouragement,
The crescendo?
A crimson curtain of velvet
drew together, swish, swirl.
the Wizard's forgetful friend hit the high note,
with a roll of his Spanish castanets?!....
Peter &
(momentarily interrupted)
He's back . . . .
We give-in. We accept. He is now a permanent resident.
So . . . we need to be sure, what Squirrels eat!

Nuts, seeds,
grains and fruit,
more workload - no squabbling please!
Queen of the Witches and the Queen of the Wood
were at each other's throat, as the saying doth go.
They had both declared vehemently
that their roles were culturally diverse,
though mutually complementary.
This hypothesis has proved absolutely counter factual,
unquestionably incorrect....
The Unicorn had this minute touched down upon the lawn,
his mane and tail matted, his coat covered with mud.
The Flower Faeries were mystified, dumbstruck.
Whizzing through Space doesn't cannot produce that result....
Out came extra utensils, extra articles to wash,
brush, groom him to perfection.
Both the Queen of the Witches and the Queen of the Wood
watched them throughout, back to back.
The Elves, Imps and Pixies they failed to note,
were creeping ever closer.
To do what?
The they huddled until a scrum, soon formulated a plan, and,
returned to their "quarters" to collect their peashooters,
their mandolins, their out of tune violins and their guitars,
banjos, drums and spoons.
Surrounding the royal personages,
they let rip with a vengeance,
and this brought to an end the regal dispute.
Unintended bi-product....
Peter &
A weekend creative
binge, still making books.
I LOVE making books!

Up to out
necks in workload,
but, we have help!
Well, maybe . . . . !
the Flower Faeries omitted one task from their routine, they
tied a knot in their ringlets and wrapped the knot in a Faerie kerchief.
The youngest of the garden Faeries,
immersed in having fun,
forgot and forgot - and put aside duties as boring....
She and the Dragon, the Unicorn and ?
were playing static catch me if you can
in the airless confines of Black Space, anti-gravitational,
to movement - who knows.
A creature drifted by them, weirdly weird in form.
It resembled long ago ancestors of the magick snail,
with potato and cray fish eye stalks, and sharp claws.
They followed the creature 'cross Black Space and White Space, 'til
drawn into a Black Hole and from thence to our Fantasy garden....
Peter &

A weekend making books.
I never tire of maing books!

Up to our
necks in workload,
but, we have help!
Well, maybe . . . . !
Bless their
cotton socks, the Elves
had sorted out how to jimmy open
the new locks on the doors,
thus by passing the need to steal a key
a copy?
The Weasel and Stoat and the Water Rat
kept a weather eye open on their
nefarious deeds.
T'was near impossible to check even their most hurtful tricks
and nasty
The Witch and the Wizard, too,
had tried by magick spells to block them.
For a wee while they desisted.
Then, back they came for more.
The Flower Faeries had learned to settle elsewhere
within the garden on
the days when it was obvious
that they were up to no good.
The Ogre paid too little attention to know
when they had plotted some
caper to bamboozle him with.
He was easy prey and consequently,
he was ever short tempered and
more often than not,
the flashpoint was reached quickly and
it boiled over - cave canem.
And then?
Woe betide the other residents in this Fantasy garden.
Peter &

April |
Spring issue LIVE - NOW!
New commission started.
The Queen of The Wood.
Initialisation concept (thumbnail sketch).

Grrrrrrrr !

"! ! !"
He's back.
What part of "it is for feeding the birds" does he not get?

Expaaaaaaandiiiiiing !
The constant contrast of . . . .
The Stretton Hills.
Visual magic.
With a slightly wider genre streeeeeeeetch !
A new visitor to the
daily wildlife food table.
Modifications needed (to attract small birds back).
Out now.
On the Stretton Hills.
Spring ?
a bit different this issue

a bit different this issue

a bit different this issue
Time to
get the spring edition of the quarterly magazine together . . . . . .

Time to
get the quarterly magazine together . . . . . .

Scanning for this month's newsletter ended (at least for this issue) .
. . . .
More next time.
April's newsletter coming shortly.
Sign-up here > http://www.peterandrewjones.net/lists.htm

Scanning continues . . . . .

Scanning continues . . . . .

Scanning continues . . . . .

Still . . . . working on scanning . . . . .
of selection of drawings for upcoming newsletter.

Spring awakens them - their task?
To defend the studio & The Magic Garden against harsh winds . . . .
And welcome the sun!

On the way to Shrewsbury

Blog continuation from by Pedro
Panhoca, Brazil.
Enjoy his full blog @
Blood Money has an interesting
fact: later it´d inspire the development of Lemmings, another classic
game of the last century.
Cover art and art of some products
were created by Peter Andrew Jones. The same art used on it may be seen
in the cover art of the book called Protector (1973) by Larry Niven,
who we´ll review after some months, and Solar Wind, which we have
previously reviewed.
I leave here one of the most
remarkable artworks of Peter Andrew Jones to receive its’ deserved
compliments, just as the Blood Money game did. A happy union between a
wonderful cover art and a fun game that never fails to be good for a

Blog by Pedro Panhoca,
Enjoy his full blog @
Money is a shoot´em up game developed by DMA Design. It was released by
Psygnosis in 1989 for Amiga, Atari and MS-DOS, and in 1990 for the
Commodore 64. The game was commercially successful getting some good
feedback as “the second best Amiga game”, “the best 80's Amiga Game”,
“the second best shoot 'em up game of 1990”, “brilliant graphics”,
“[one of] the most challenging and technically perform shoot' em ups”,
“attractive”, “best designed and most fluidly animated”, “absolutely
Impressive”, “[belonging] in a class of its own”, “excellent
[soundtrack]” and sold more than 40,000 copies.
game has four different phases – all of them too long - in which
players have to attack the enemies and defeat the "big bosses",
strongly inspired by the famous Heli (1987). The game happens both
vertically and vertically, and some dead enemies give to the player the
"bloody money", that have to be spent on items found in equipment
stores throughout the game, like guns that shoot diagonally, fire
lasers, bombs, get shields, or extra lives. The player is Spondulix,
who longs to go to an "Alien Safari". The four missions correspond to
the safaris, the Gibba, Grone, Shreek and Snuff planets and all cost
between 100 and 400 credits. In Gibba, for example, the player pilots a
helicopter. Each of the planets has its own enemies and landscape.

BIG . . . . selection of drawings in upcoming newsletter.
Now being put together . . .
+ big website upload coming too.
(En Plein Air Trip concludes)
The River Weaver in Nantwich, also
known as the Welsh Row Bridge and formerly the Welsh Bridge.
Originally crossed by ford, near possibly the site of a Norman castle
with evidence of a Roman trackway running nearby, the first references
to a bridge is in 1398 and known as the Wich Bridge (or Wiche / Wych)
being a timber structure on which stood St Ann's Chapel and a priest
would have said prayers for the safety of travelers on payment of a
(Wikipedia - edited)

Always, always, always (that means
always) carry a sketchbook.

Or maybe, a Wyvern?
St Mary's Church
- Nantwich
Quote >
A misericord (sometimes named mercy seat) when the seat is folded up,
acts as a shelf to support a person in a partially standing position
during long periods of prayer.
(extract - Wikipedia)

St Mary's Church
- Nantwich
Seen on a day research trip.

Again, the plaque says it all .
. . .

The plaque says it all .
. . .
Nothing is permanent, except change.

. . ?"
Well, I don't know . .
. . . ?
St Mary's Church in the market town of Nantwich,
Cheshire, England features intricately carved wooden canopies over the
choir stalls with 20 misericords at the back of the stalls.
But - what, exactly,
does this one refer to . .
. . . ?

March |
Signs of spring whilst on a drawing trip to Nantwich.
St. Mary's Church, just off the main square.
So, spring is definitely coming . . . . .

Core Website update >

"1644" (discovered
on painting expedition to Nantwich)
Plaque found on town
square bench . . . .
. . .
Always fascinated to discover . . . .
how much of one's own country's history one is ignorant of !

Interesting painting(?) at St
Mary's Church in
Nantwich . . . . . . .
Unable, so far, to determine origins or find any information
on same.

Historic dignitaries at St
Mary's Church in
Nantwich . . . . . . .

Yet more intriguing
sculpture at St Mary's Church in
Nantwich . . . . . . .

Dragons, Wyverns or . .
. . . ?
St Mary's Church is the market town of Nantwich,
Cheshire, England features intricately carved wooden canopies over the
choirstalls with 20 misericords at the back of the stalls.

Recent scanned painting uploaded to web archive >

Recent scanned painting uploaded to web archive >

It's just an experiment..
Maybe we'll
explain it, at some point..
We're just digging into ideas for the future . . . . .

as we concentrate on creative digging
others are contemplating different digging,
outside in the magic studio garden . . . .
Faeries of the Herb garden
were hoeing, digging, planting,
fresh herbs for the Cook, the Witch,
the Flower Faeries and themselves.
"And what about the Faeries of the bushes,
the woodlands, and the forest?"
"Tough," was the They reply.
"They are full well capable
of the planting of their own."
Within our own Fantastical world,
"Beware the Ogre" had been printed
upon transparent billboards, dotted about
the garden and the closest bit of woodland....
These were of crown importance as,
the Ogre had popped a knee and was more than ever
wont to lose his temper,
and take tumble upon tumble,
sempre più frequentamente!!
The Witch and the Wizard -
and his most forgetful friend,
were the only ones resistant to,
an aggravated assault?!
The Elves, the Imps and Pixies
had done their darnedest
to beat him at his "game" but,
had suffered in the process and had retired,
knocked off balance, cockeyed....
Peter & Debbie
This month's
"Snap Deals"
for March on classic pieces - good for 30 days only.
Get them before they're gone . . . . .

as we concentrate on scanning
a warning has been issued to ensure we can,
outside in the magic studio garden . . . .
The atmosphere in the garden
had settled down - at least,
The Witch had visibly unbent,
a smile illumined her craggy features.
The Elves, Imps and Pixies
were splish splashing one another,
as they raced up, down the garden steam.
The Flower Faeries were listening
to a story which explained the history
of Fantasy beings, read by an ancient crone,
a tiny, withered person, who,
must once have been beautiful....
The spring sun rose ever higher
in the translucent blue sky, while
the Unicorn and Dragon soared overhead,
then beat a retreat to the hills.
At the appearance of the Cook,
who bore left over food for the compost heap.
She sang out a "Good morning,"
and threw the scraps upon the compost heap, and
waddled indoors to prepare the breakfast.
The Gremlin and the Goblin,
wearing old-fashioned swim ware,
dived into the pond and commenced
their 50 widths of breast stroke and crawl for the day.
Peter & Debbie
This month's
Your entry-level opportunity to hug an Alien.
"Snap Deals"
for March - good for 30 days only.

as we concentrate on scanning
a warning has been issued to ensure we can,
outside in the magic studio garden . . . .
Witch had issued a warning:
if you create bother or pandemonium within the garden
.... beware.
She had discussed with the Wizard
what repercussions there'd be.
Banishment and exile
were the punishments decided upon.
Tonight, their decision would be explained
in terms understandable, and . . . .
the addition added to those few laws
on the etiquette acceptable within the garden.
The Unicorn, the Gremlin, the Goblin,
the Flower Faeries, the wood Faeries
and the Dragon had nothing to fear.
The Elves, Imps and Pixies, however,
might consider seriously, minding their p's and q's....
The Queen of the Faeries, the Queen of the wood,
their Lords Lieutenants of the Fantasy Kingdoms
and the Officers of Law, were to be briefed and consulted
as to how best to talk to the residents without causing a riot....
Peter & Debbie
This month's
Get a new bodysuit and a decent ray gun.
"Snap Deals"
for March - good for 30 days only.

as we try to concentrate on scanning
it was getting uncomfortably noisy
outside in the magic studio garden . . . .
Ogre (increased) the decibels
of his basso profondo voice.
It echoed throughout the garden and for far beyond.
The Unicorn whinnied and pawed the wet earth,
the Elves, Imps and Pixies put their fingers in their ears.
The Gremlin and the Goblin, well stocked and prepared,
pulled ear plugs from their pockets
and shoved them deeper than deep....
The Witch, casting spells,
cauldron spewing magick,
drew her Witch's hat down more firmly
to drown out the noise.?!
The Ogre paused for a brief moment,
gasping for breath, and
the Witch and the Wizard each grasped a wand.
In stertorous tones, they chanted an ancient Pagan spell
and the Ogre voice became muted, scarce discernible
to the garden's Fantasy creatures....
Peter & Debbie
This month's
"Snap Deals"
for March - good for 30 days only.

Early morning walk.
The Stretton Hills.
Spring pastures!

back at the magic studio garden . . . .
Goblin hobo stepped through the garden gate.
He was dressed in rags and torn boots,
his hair was filthy and knotted.
The residents of garden stopped and stared.
Together they watched him approach,
in silence or shuffling their damp feet uncomfortably....
The Witch disappeared -
she felt t'would be a judicious move, cos
smelly vagrants clothed in tatters
were scarcely her favourite cup of tea!?
The Wizard directed his magic carpet
to remain hovering above the trees.
The Unicorn cantered across the garden,
through the wood to the fields beyond.
The Flower Faeries fluttered through
the breakfast room's open window, whereupon
they settled upon the polished table,
laid to perfection for the breakfast meal.
The Gremlin and the Goblin banged on the kitchen door.
Finding themselves ignored, they crawled
post haste to the garden shed and,
without hesitation, locked themselves in.
The Dragon materialised overhead
breathing fire, sharp claws extended.
He hovered, wings spread fully,
surrounded by clouds of white/grey smoke.
The hobo Gremlin cried, "Gidday to you, friends.
Canst thou assist me to wash,
lend me a change of clothes
and give me somefink to eat?"
The Flower Faeries, unable to brush and groom the Unicorn,
instead went to his aid, wearing nosepegs and protective gloves.
He was fed by the Witch, hosed down by the Goblin and,
this accomplished, was permitted to sleep in the glass house,
upon dry straw and an old blanket....
Peter & Debbie
Recent upload >

Recent upload >
PASSING . . . "
Utterly, completely,
totally, absolutely mega-last chance . . . . .
. . . . to get your copy!
They say >
"Red sky in the morning, shepherd's warning"
- but it was in fact a beautiful day, yesterday, first real spring-like

it was looking colourful
outside in the magic studio garden . . . .
Head Gardener was going full throttle,
his orders flying in all directions.
His under gardener assistants
could scarce remember one from t'other....
The Elves were hid within the glass house,
being personae non gratae, underlined, with him?!
The Wizard, aboard his magic carpet,
hovered invisibly overhead.
The Unicorn and "the garden" Dragon
were out of sight beyond the wood.
The Witch had, likewise, shrouded herself
in a cloak of unseeability.
The Flower Faeries flew through the wood,
returning via mid-morning tea
with their friends the wood Faeries.
The Head Gardener had, by then, concluded his rants.
A heavy mist had descended,
out of which in menacing fashion,
the ghostly Wolves and Wolverines approached,
jaws a lather.
Surrounding the Head Gardener,
they moved closer 'til,
sudden aware,
the Head Gardener turned on his heels
and strode into the kitchen garden....
Peter & Debbie
SOLAR WIND Volume 2.
Now totally, completely, fully, up and running.
DAY 2"
A painting in response
to a morning walk.
It's that time of year again!
Constructing a local
website (just for fun).
If you are local, and have something you want listed, get in
One of several sculpted
faces on Shrewsbury rail station.
I can find no information about same anywhere.
If anyone knows, please
get in touch.

Back at the magic studio garden . . . .
Mole, the Toad and the Water Rat
were en route to the Annual Art Fair,
where hung paintings by the varied and various
garden creatures, themselves from both Fantasy
and Science Fiction....
The way to this Exhibition was bumper
to bumper with Exhibitors and visitors.
The Witch had invited a number of friends,
the Flower Faeries were guests
of the Queen of the Faeries.
The Unicorn bore the elder Elf on his sturdy back and
the "lesser" Elves - and Imps and Pixies
strode briskly at the Unicorn's side.
The evening light glowed bewitchingly,
the breeze stirred the grass, the bushes
and the leaves upon the trees.
The Queen of the wood and
the Queen of the Witches
arrived no end later.
Few creatures saw them.
T'was time to go home....
Peter & Debbie
Final completed scanning
- for insertion into
Design & editorial now in final stages . . . . .

Outside the scanning room . . . .
premier exhibit was an enormous canvas,
the image depicted was a fantastical abstract.
The visitors descended like foxes upon sheep.
Knee deep they, every on, sought to view
that most "premier" of paintings.
At the end of the day the staff were exhausted,
the visitors departed well satisfied and happy....
The Toad, the Mole and the Water Rat
went to tea with the Witch, the Stoat,
the Weasel and the Ogre.
The Flower Faeries, the wood Faeries,
the Ghosts and Spectres, let
the wintery breeze waft them
where 'er it t'would carry them.
The Unicorn flew westward t'ward
the setting sun and the
Wizard soared high and headed to the hills,
the plains beyond, to the sea....
Peter & Debbie
Sunrise wanes, becomes the day.
Soon, there will be
flecks of white upon Hazler Hill.
Not snow; Sheep!

Outside the studio . . . . |
wood was awash
with windswept rain.
The trees bent asunder,
their weaker branches torn from hold.
Ianira and Hecate, hid, holding their breath,
in the far reaches of a hole sunk fathomless in the lawn.
The Witch was in the stables,
wrapped close in heavy cloak,
lying upon straw, fresh laid yesterday.
The horses were restive, edgy, unsleeping.
The Elves, Imps and Pixies sat wide-eyed and silent.
In the wood, the Witches were huddled together,
clothed in Witch-style raincoats,
sou'westers and shoes of water reeds
and water lilies.
The Flower Faeries had vanished.
None knew, nor cared
where they were hid.
The Toad, Mole and Water Rat
had taken residence in the greenhouse
and the Ogre lay drenched to the skin,
in his bed beyond the wood.
Jeepers, creepers, ah me ! Egad....
Peter & Debbie
To say the weather is "changeable" would be an
But light floods-in from the south.
So, spring is coming . . . . .

Outside the studio . . . . |
Elves had gone a hiking,
the Imps were fishing.
The Pixies were still abed,
a long sleep was required!!
The Ogre had fled the garden.
His temper had overreached itself and
his fellow residents had down on him like a ton of bricks....
The Flower Faeries were soothing
a nervous, high-strung Unicorn,
who had encountered a sworn enemy
late last night, whilst traversing
the outer reaches of space at a gallop.
The Witch had concocted
a drinkable by Unicorns beverage.
This would be offered when the time was right!!
The Dragon swept through the low- hanging clouds above,
descended, came into land and toppled over.
It became apparent that something had gone yaw ways,
catawampus with his left leg and foot.
The Witch called a doctor by telepathy.
He arrived quickly, diagnosed a fractured,
bound the leg and foot
and announced that the Dragon
must do nothing 'cept rest....
There would, for sometime,
be scarce room for the others?!
Peter & Debbie
From the UK edition.
Final stage of scanning - ready for upload.

Outside the scanning room . . . . |
The Queen of the Witches was on
the warpath.
Her castle had been flooded when the heavens had opened
and the rains had descended in torrents -
at the behest of the King of Fantasy Land.
She was not able to get her own back,
to respond in any way, so
she shouted at her courtiers and issued contradictory orders
to her Maids in Waiting and her servants.
Encountering the Queen of the Faeries,
she reiterated her woes and
the Queen of the Faeries responded
by assembling a crew of architect/designer, stonemasons,
magickal cement makers and self-styled "finisher."
The Queen of the Witches spent the days of exile from her palace
residing with the Queen of the Faeries in her palace in the hills....
Peter & Debbie
Very cold, very crispy, very white!
Ostara struggling still . . . . .

Outside the scanning room . . . . |
The Gremlin had gone "somewhere"
for the day,
having been given the offer of a ride on the Dragon's back.
The Goblin had balked for the reasonable reason that,
the Dragon's scales were, at best, incommodious,
disagreeable and rough on one's bottom....
The Unicorn, après grooming, offered him a trip
to the Islands of Faerie Mermaids,
hidden from sight by magick and mist.
The Ogre was exhausted, sleepless and sore,
for he had twisted his ankle -
victim of a rabbit hole?!
The Witch had soothed him and bound the injured ankle tightly,
given him a "feel good" drink and breakfast for two.
Ungrateful, he had stomped to his home through the wood,
knocking his head on a broken, low-growing branch.
The Flower Faeries were still sewing their late winter/
spring outfits of gossamer, spider webs,
dried flowers and tiny leaves.
The Elves practiced archery, pea-shooting and dueling,
their energy being over-powering.
They knew not how to use it up or wear it out, either....
Peter & Debbie
Again, just joking.
This is stage two of scanning "The Curse of Naar".

Outside the scanning room . . . . |
The Queen of the woodlands,
sacred groves and forests,
was of indeterminate age and
possessed a power too great to describe.
The Queen of the Faeries also reigned
with an authority supreme,
refusing to contemplate being second best
in the Fantasy hierarchy.
Their relationship was mercurial,
testy, touchy, volatile
though dignity and discretion
were invariably maintained....
They conferred with regularity,
for both believed that to inform the other
of those thoughts she had had and those actions she must take
was of an absolute priority.
Their coaches were glitzy, their horses magical.
They would walk, ride or be driven,
depending upon the occasion,
their mood, their duties....
Peter & Debbie
The view from the studio.
Just when Spring is beckoning, Winter still bares its

Outside the scanning room . . . . |
The long winding road stretched
before them,
the Stoat and the Weasel and the Water Rat -
The Water Rat would have preferred to
swim up the river. However,
the river was flowing in the opposite direction
and would've taken him on its long,
lengthy journey to the sea?!
An ancient, most venerable, car rolled by,
rocking and rolling, brakes screeching and whining.
The Elves, Imps and Pixies were crammed inside,
the driver just able to reach the wheel.
T'would be a miracle indeed if
its eventual destination was e're reached....
The Unicorn streamed in from far above the clouds,
stood in the centre of the road
and awaited the application of the brakes.
Which never came....
The car hit a hole in the road,
a tyre burst and, deash!
They all tumbled into the road.
where went the car?
Over the hedge and into a field.
Alas, alackaday....
Peter & Debbie
No, just joking.
This is stage one of scanning "The Curse of Naar".
The UK edition.

Outside the scanning room . . . . |
arrival of my sister
in her Aston Martin,
caused discretion in the ranks
of Elves, Imps, and Pixies.
The majority wanted to mar the look of it,
began scratching the paintwork,
and muddying the Windows,
the Elf, Imp, and Pixie "Elders"
demanded they stop....
The Witch was summoned forthwith,
to eradicate the damage by magic.
The appropriate spell was cast, and,
the Elders' sense of fair play was restored.
The Owl slept, the Gnome lit his pipe,
the Flower Faeries carried on
with grooming the Unicorn.
From over the stile, the Goblin loomed,
chased by a much-enraged Ogre?!
Good gracious me....!
Peter & Debbie

February |
Very, very, very etc etc
last chance to get your Legendary Art Magazine for this quarter.

Outside the editorial room . . . . |
one of the strange beasts which had visited the garden
was present this morning for a sort of "get together."
As the morning progressed, tempers frayed and tore,
and at midday precisely, the fights commenced....
No one of the beasts sustained calamitous injury.
Nevertheless, the grass was torn from the earth,
flowers uprooted, bushes shorn of their leaves.
The dogs had gone out for their morning exercise,
the cats were searching for a morsel other than mice.
The fight threw both dogs and cats into a stew
and the racket was atrocious.
The Cook issued forth from the kitchen in high dudgeon,
wielding her rolling pin and shaking her fist.
Such was the sound of her voice on the wind that,
the fighting stopped and the creatures vanished -
into thin air?!
Peter & Debbie
Depending on your location/Hemisphere
the Spring Equinox (Ostara)
can be March 20th/21st/22nd
1 March 2017 is the first day of the meteorological spring
20 March 2017 is the first day of the astronomical spring.
So . . . .
Very last chance to get your Legendary Art Magazine for this quarter.
Spring/Ostara beckoning . . . . .

Outside the editorial room . . . .
Willow tree Faerie and the Faerie of Fruit trees
were off on a jaunt in Faerie hot air balloon.
The Ogre had tried to reach up and grab it,
a gust of wind whisked it beyond
and well above his hammy hand.
The Witch told him off,
denied him his repast,
lest he behave like a gentleman
and not like a thug?!
He was suitably chastised
and sat down with a thump,
asked most courteously for his groundsheet,
rugs and repast.
The Flower Faeries rallied round
to assist with preparations.
The Unicorn waited and waited and awaited,
his brushing down and grooming,
until he decided to fly away
to a land where he was never forgot....
Peter & Debbie
"The Faerie
The Painting here >
The Book here >
From an area not that far from the studio . . . . . .

Outside the editorial room . . . . |
Unicorn had foregone a night
galloping through space, instead,
headed to Pluto at an easy pace.
The Owl had made a promise to himself that,
he'd let the good times roll and take a joy ride
to the moon upon the back of the Unicorn....
Perhaps to celebrate the Summer Solstice when,
the days were light like candy floss
and the nights were After Eights!!
The Ogre dreamed of "other" places
where the dew lay on the grass and,
the Faeries treated him like gold dust and,
he'd been (allotted) a personal manservant....
In times not yet arrived, these things would come about.
In this Fantasy Kingdom, the mysteries of Magick
worked untold wonders, brought untold treats to every creature,
whether naughty, nasty, good, bad or both!!
Peter & Debbie
"The Reluctant Wyvern"
The Painting here >
The Book here >
From an area not that far from the studio . . . . . .