our "Quarterly
Spring and white roses, red, pink and purple.
Magnolia, nasturtium, daisies and buttercups.
There are definite
seasons, the buds on the trees, fresh new leaves, pop-up
plants and flowers a-growing.
“Vibrant, beautiful and full of life.”
(Martha Lavinia Hoffman).
And newborn domestic
and wild beasties mew and whine, test their nails, learn
to bark or practise growling.
The Pagan
celebration, Ostara, is here!
T’is festival time
once again and again and again; on-going till Mother
Earth dies to be reborn.
In our fantastical
garden the residents, renewed, revitalised, set the
scene for a festival unique unto themselves.
Jack Frost stands
down to give way to The Green Man, his arch rival.
The Wheel of life
rolls on ....
Susan Jones,