Solar Wind Oil Painting and Limited Edition Print

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Vermilion Sands
(From the book "Solar Wind Volume 1")

To be given, when still an Art Student at St. Martins School of Art in 1974, when still living with my parents in South London, the opportunity to provide cover art for J.G. Ballard's amazing book, being what The Times Literary Supplement would refer to as "one of the most accomplished creators of evocative landscapes in modern fiction" I confess, I had never heard of Ballard at that time.

No Matter, for, as soon as I began reading the collection of science fiction short stories, set in a strange luxury vacation resort (called Vermilion Sands) the characters in it leapt at me demanding action!

The wealthy, the privileged, and those around them who exploit them and the fictional environment provided a wonderful opportunity to indulge my imagination.

And thank you, the great,late Steve Abis, talented and helpful Art Director of Panther Books in London's Soho.

Never forgotten.
Deborah Susan Jones
Contributing editor

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